Hebrews: A 28-Day Musical DevotionalExemplo
The New
Yesterday’s passage was about the old covenant. With its repetitive sacrifices of animals in the earthly tabernacle, it was unable to save people from their sins. The new covenant, on the other hand, is able to save.
PLACE: The earthly tabernacle was a copy of a heavenly one. It pointed to a real place in heaven where the high priest would have to enter in order to present his offering. Jesus, our great high priest, ascended into heaven, entered this true holy of holies, and presented his offering to God.
TIME: Whereas the Levitical priests offered sacrifices repetitively, Jesus, our great high priest, offered his sacrifice only once. Once for all: one sacrifice to cover all the sins of all God’s people. And this brings us to the best part…
BLOOD: What offering did Jesus present to God the Father? What offering can conclusively atone for our sins once for all? Jesus, our great high priest, offered…himself. Taking on the form of man, he died on the cross in the place of his people, absorbing the wrath of God that we deserve. Indeed, it is only the blood of the spotless Lamb of God that can make atonement for our sins.
What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Sobre este plano
The Hebrews album by Psallos is a musical adaptation of the Book of Hebrews, created to help people experience this book in a fresh and powerful way. In this 28-day devotional, you will read the entirety of this letter, with the songs from the Hebrews album guiding and enriching your study.