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Hollywood Prayer Network On WorshipExemplo

Hollywood Prayer Network On Worship

Dia 2 de 7


"Without worship, we go about miserable. We must never rest until everything inside us worships God." A.W. Tozer  

"I think worship is a lifestyle, first of all." Michael W. Smith  

PRAY: Dear Lord my Maker, I come to You in an attitude of worship and I bow down to You and kneel before You. I praise You as a person of Your pasture. You are my God and I thank you that I am under Your care. I want to hear Your voice. I exalt You and worship at your footstool; for You are holy. I worship You with gladness and I come before you with joyful songs. Selah! 
REFLECT: It's awesome to think about God as our Maker, our Creator, and to think about being under His care. But what does it mean to you to say that your God is HOLY? Think about these synonyms and what they mean to you in referring to God: sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, sacrosanct, venerated, revered, divine, blessed, and dedicated. Some of these words may help you to hear the voice of your Holy God.
ACT:  Can you physically worship God now by bowing down or getting on your knees? Use your whole body to worship God. If you're bowing, think about worshiping God at His footstool. If you're kneeling then raise your hands to heaven and sing out a joyful song. Don't be intimidated, but worship the God of the Universe. Bring all of your senses into your worship: visualize Him, reach up to touch Him, sing out to him and feel His presence. Can you smell His sweet essence? Worship your holy God with gladness!

Suggested worship song:  

Come, Worship the Lord by John Michael Talbot

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Hollywood Prayer Network On Worship

My friend and national prayer leader, Daniel Henderson, has three ideals for meaning and victory in our lives. He says Worship + Integrity + Nonconformity = WIN. This week we’re focusing on WORSHIP, as the key ingredient to being a winner! Let’s spend the week worshiping the Lord together and giving all the glory to Him.
