Holy Week, The Wise & Faithful - Disciple Makers Series #24Exemplo
God's Timing or my timing?
Thoughts on the message
This section of Matthew talks about the arrest, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus says something really important here. God’s timing and man’s timing are not the same. The rulers wanted to kill Jesus – but their timing was later. God’s timing was on Passover. Guess who got it right?
In our lives, we face the same challenge – what is God’s timing for challenges we face? When we face difficulties – what is God’s timing for getting us through them? We want the timing to be quick and painless. God wants us to grow, mature and develop character that looks like His heart. So His path for us often looks very different than the path we would choose.
So as the disciples heard that day – listen for God’s voice. He will give us understanding about the path He chooses for us.
Father, when I look at this season of life I want to start with Your timing and purposes. It is not what I want to see happen, but what You have planned for me. It is not about my goals for this season, but what purpose You have for my life and how You want to use me. I can either be part of Your plans – or watching from the sidelines. I can either make my plans (and be frustrated when life does not turn out the way I want) or I can l seek Your plan for my life. I would much rather know what Your plan is – and follow it. So lead me, guide me and open my eyes today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sobre este plano
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 24 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus closes out His discussion on what will He is looking for when He returns. He looks for wise and faithful, listening, gracious followers. Will that be us?