Biblical Leadership BootcampExemplo
The Model for Leadership
We must never forget that the greatest model for leadership always comes from the life of God Himself.
Isaiah 40 makes it clear that God, as the Ultimate Leader, models:
1. Comfort and Security – God supplies comfort and cleansing to His people (Isaiah 40: 1, 2).
2. Empowerment and Delegation – God makes the path straight for others, then has them speak His words (Isaiah 40: 3–8).
3. Shepherding and Direction – God proclaims good news and guides His people like a Shepherd (Isaiah 40: 9–11).
4. Power and Authority – No one can challenge God’s strength. He is a Leader with unequaled power (Isaiah 40: 12–17).
5. Creator and Developer – God is the transcendent Leader who builds and develops others (Isaiah 40: 21–26).
6. Wise Counselor and Provider – God is the source for every need we may have (Isaiah 40: 27–31).
Journal Prompt: How can you apply this model for leadership to your own life?
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Do you feel like you’re stuck in a slump? Are you feeling burnt out as a leader? This 7-day leadership plan with excerpts from John C. Maxwell will help you hit the reset button on being a Godly leader. Reset your heart and refocus on being the best leader you can be through Christ.