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The Wonder of ChristmasExemplo

The Wonder of Christmas

Dia 2 de 4

The Long Awaited One 

Imagine if you had to wait an entire lifetime to attain a goal. This would take patience and determination. Today, in the “I want it here and right now” world we live in, this might not go over too well. 

Personally speaking, even as I write this, many things come to mind that I've waited for. With some of these things I’ve honestly been waiting for many years for God to open the doors He’s clearly been preparing to lead me through. Let me say, this hasn’t been easy at times and has been very frustrating sometimes. Yet, I keep waiting and keeping my faith and trust in Him as I know He’s preparing the way. He keeps reminding me that it will happen in His will and in His timing- not mine. I look forward to the day when the door swings wide open for me. 

Now, place yourself in Simeon’s shoes for a minute. He was an older and very devout man that the Holy Spirit was working through. It was revealed to him through The Spirit that he would not die before he would see the Messiah. Simeon had literally been waiting his whole life to see Jesus Christ the Son of God come to Bethlehem as the prophets of old foretold. Then after Jesus was born and circumcised and the days of purification were completed according to the Law, Mary and Joseph made their way to the temple to present Jesus to the Lord. Simeon saw the baby Jesus and took Him with joy into his arms, held Him and said the following words:

Luke 2:29-32 (NASB)

"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all people,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel." 

The long awaited One had arrived! Simeon’s wait was over! We can only imagine the sheer joy, wonder, and awe he must have experienced as he held in his very arms the One whom God had sent as Savior of the world!

Possibly you’ve been waiting your whole life for something that you just couldn’t place your finger on? Jesus is the One who you’ve been missing and honestly, He’s been waiting for you to realize your need for Him. Please seek Him now while you still have time to receive His gift.

Maybe you have received Him but have forgotten what a gift He is? It’s not too late to enter back in re-committing yourself to live for Him, His purpose and plan. It’s never too late to turn away from complacency and bad habits. Even if you feel that you’ve forsaken and completely turned away from Him, it’s never too late to return to Him as His arms are wide open waiting for you to come to Him.

Whatever your situation is, run to him and cling to Him because the long awaited One, Jesus Christ, is waiting for you and came to earth on your behalf for your salvation!

Questions To Get Started With:

  • Do you long to see and spend time with your Savior? Do you make seeking and abiding in Him a priority? 
  • Have you been missing or longing for something in your life that you can’t quite place your finger on? Have you considered that Jesus Christ is who you’ve been missing or longing for?
  • If you’re in Christ, have you become complacent in your faith and relationship with Him? If so, what are you going to do reignite you walk with your Savior?
  • Do you look forward to the Lord’s return? 
  • How do the scriptures you just read help boost your faith and provide a renewed awe and wonder of Christmas?
Dia 1Dia 3

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The Wonder of Christmas

The aim of this devotion is to help you put a little bit of "Awe and Wonder" back into your celebration as you contemplate and celebrate the birth of Jesus from a child-like faith. During this special time of Christmas celebration, may you prepare your heart to prepare Jesus even more room all year through.
