God's Word Through African Eyes: A 30-Day DevotionalExemplo

Use Authority Well: a devotion on leadership
From an Africa Study Bible application note:
Paul was older than Philemon, and Paul was an apostle and Philemon’s spiritual father. As Africans, we know the importance of this social standing. Paul was not shy in gently reminding Philemon of these facts. However, as his spiritual leader, Paul could have demanded or ordered Philemon to do what he wanted him to do. He chose not to. Instead, he asked for a favour as a friend (Philemon 1:8-9). He also could have pressured Philemon to cancel the debt of Onesimus. Instead, Paul offered to repay the debt from his own money.
Sometimes people want others to feel their power. They may shout orders and add, “Don’t you know who I am?” Not so with believers. We are called to be humble and serve one another (1 Peter 5:5-6). We are to follow the example of Jesus (Philippians 2:5-8). Let us not demand respect because of our age or position. Instead, let us earn it because of our actions.
Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart for any times you have acted as if you are above the rules or took advantage of your position to receive favours for yourself. Repent and ask God to make you an example of humility. Think of one way you can be like Paul this week and use your position, age, or respect to give other people favour.
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