Summer LoveExemplo
As We Forgive Others
God’s ways are not like ours. Where we rise up against betrayal and unfaithfulness, God bears our sin and sticks with us. Where we are appalled and disgusted by the sin of others (not so much our own!), God accepts us with all of our horrors and failings. Hosea is commanded to be godlike, not just forgiving his wayward wife but embracing her, blessing her and recommitting to her. Notice that he also calls her out of sin; there is no whitewashing going on here. Also note that in this story, we are the adulteress, we are not Hosea. We are the ones who are being forgiven and loved by God.
Question: Are you able to forgive others as you have been forgiven? Whom do you need to forgive?
Sobre este plano
“Love is love” has become a catchphrase of our times. But it does not have any meaning until we define what love is. The Christian starting point is to say that God is love. This series looks to understand the nature of God’s love. By the end of the series, I hope that the word ‘love’ has all the rich and flavoursome ingredients to it that Scripture has to offer.