Wisdom Of The Teacher For College Students, Ch. 7Exemplo

Tucked away in the middle of this chapter is another of the Teacher’s nuggets of wisdom about the proper relationship between mankind and God. I fear these often get overlooked in our reading of this book and that would be to miss the point entirely if we do so.
Remember the Teacher has said he was better than all his peers earlier and even greater than any that had come before him. Yet here, in these verses, he reminds us that when we consider what power we have against God, we come up woefully short! Can we make straight what the Lord has made crooked? The Teacher here argues for us to realize the right relationship with God is one of submission to His working in our lives rather than fighting against it.
Since we cannot know the end of our lives, we don’t really know how they will turn out. Since God is the one who has made both the day of adversity and the day of prosperity, our response to both should be one of trusting in the process of the Lord in our lives. Thus we can face both with joy, knowing that God is working in our lives to produce the best outcome for us and for those who come after us that we will never see!
Sobre este plano

In this chapter we discover the summation of the Teacher's search of wisdom. There is a hidden gem within these verses that help us learn our place in our relationship with God. We can also learn how to rightly look at the truth of who we are as men and women that might help us relate to our friends and neighbors who don't yet know God.