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Who's Your One: Family DevotionalExemplo

Who's Your One: Family Devotional

Dia 1 de 4




When you think of someone far from God, who’s the first person who comes to mind? Is it a neighbor? Coworker? Parent? No matter who it is, God can use you to reach them, and we’re here to help. Who's Your One is an evangelism initiative designed to mobilize Christians everywhere to intentionally identify one person in his or her personal network to pray for and share the gospel with.

  1. Watch the 3 Circles Method of Sharing Christ Video as you begin this devotional. 
  2. Read Luke 19:1–10, which is the story of Zacchaeus. Read the story yourself before presenting it to your family. Make note of the following things about Zacchaeus and the interaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus. Focus on how Jesus approached Zacchaeus and how your family can apply Jesus’ method of evangelism to people in your sphere of influence.
  • Zacchaeus was rich because he had taken advantage of his position as chief tax collector by extorting money from his fellow Jews. He was despised by the people in Jericho because he had sold out to the Roman government and mistreated his own people (v. 1).
  • Jesus called Zacchaeus by name, though He had never been introduced to him (v. 5). He also knows your person or family of focus. He knows you, too!
  • Jesus spent time with Zacchaeus at his house, much to the horror of the citizens of Jericho (v. 6). Jesus came to seek and save the lost (v. 10).
  • Though Zacchaeus was a blatant sinner and hated by the people, Jesus thought he was worth saving. Jesus wasn’t concerned with what “righteous” people thought of Him.
  • Zacchaeus responded with his whole heart and took immediate action (v. 8). He promised to give half his possessions to the poor and pay back four times the money he had extorted, though only 20% more than what had been extorted was required. These were the actions of a transformed man.



Gather your family, and get rid of any distractions, such as television and electronic devices. Explain to your family that, as a family, you are going to participate in intentionally identifying one person in their lives to pray for and share the gospel with this year. Decide as a family who your one(s) will be. These could be neighbors, coworkers, classmates or family members. According to the ages of your children, either read Luke 19:1–10 from the Bible, or tell the story.



  1. When we pray for God to touch a person’s heart, He is faithful to do it. What evidence is there in verse 4 of the story of Zacchaeus that shows Jesus had already been at work on Zacchaeus before He entered Jericho? Zacchaeus was so anxious to see Jesus he climbed a tree.
  2. Was Zacchaeus considered a good person by the people of Jericho? Why or why not? The people despised Zacchaeus because he had extorted money from them. They thought him a friend of the Romans.
  3. Did Jesus care what the people thought of His going to Zacchaeus’s house? No. Which was more important to Jesus—His reputation among the people or the salvation of Zacchaeus’s soul? Zacchaeus’s soul.
  4. What evidence do we see in verse 8 that Zacchaeus was a changed man because Jesus spent time with him? He returned four times the money he extorted and gave half his possessions to the poor. His heart was changed, and he acted on it.
  5. How can we apply this story and the actions of Jesus to the people we have chosen as our one(s)? Begin by praying for God to soften their hearts, then make an intentional effort to befriend them (if not already) and be an example of Christ. Accept other answers that fit your context and the people you have chosen. Invite discussion of actions to take.



  1. Have each person write the name of the person, persons or family they are focusing on, on a blank piece of paper. Tell each family member to put the paper in a place where they will be reminded to pray for their one.



First pray for your family and your commitment to this task. Then pray for your one(s). Pray also for whatever the Lord lays on your heart about the persons for whom you are praying.

Continue to pray throughout the day, until you come together again as a family for the devotion for day two.


Dia 2

Sobre este plano

Who's Your One: Family Devotional

Your family can change the world right where you are, one gospel conversation at a time! Through this devotional, you will work as a family to identify someone you would like to see come to faith in Christ. Family members can each choose one person, or the entire family can focus on one person or family.
