Love and LossExemplo

How We See Our World
Since your loss, have there been places you have wanted to avoid? Has it become too painful to visit the church where you attended with your loved one, to walk through a certain aisle of a grocery store, or even enter a room in your home? Grief impacts nearly every aspect of our lives.
For us, passing the hospital where we had hoped to meet our unborn children was very painful. We passed it daily because it was very close to our home. For a while, we gave ourselves permission to travel a different route. Our world was different. Our hearts were like tender feet traveling across hot coals. We did not always know where those coals were laid. But when we could avoid some coals, we chose to.
Whatever pain that has resulted from your grief, remember that it is ok to hurt. Take some time to reflect upon how you see your world a little differently. Ask God to repair your brokenness.
In time, we had conversations with one another about the hospital. One year, I (Ashley) developed a really bad case of strep throat and was so thankful for the hospital. It helped me reframe my view of the hospital and try to let go of some of the pain.
Let's pray.
“Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is wasted from grief; my soul and my body also. For my life is spent with sorrow, and my years with sighing” (Psalm 31:9–10).
Help me turn to You, to recognize how I view my world differently. Heal my hurt, and draw me closer to You.
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Have you lost someone or something you love to death, divorce, or other tragedy? In Love and Loss, Chuck and Ashley Elliott guide participants to reflect upon their journey, identify unseen elements of grief, and illuminate steps to reframe and rebuild their lives, all while pointing to Scripture as a source of hope and direction.