When Your Whole World Changes - COVID-19 Special EditionExemplo

No More!
I’ve had it! I can’t concentrate on anything.
It’s so hard to remember what people are trying to tell me. I’m utterly exhausted, but I can’t sleep. I feel so nauseous I can’t eat.
I’m irritated with everyone and impatient about everything. I just want it all to go away!
Dealing with a disaster or crisis is difficult in so many ways. Every part of life may be disrupted by what is happening. Our normal way of doing things doesn’t work anymore. Getting anything done is a challenge, and there’s so much to do that we don’t know where to start.
Figuring it all out is very hard work.
Simply doing our everyday activities reminds us of what we’ve lost and the uncertainty of tomorrow. Grieving these losses and facing our fears is emotionally draining. No wonder we feel overwhelmed!
But we can be confident in this: God hears our distress and offers us his presence.
Listen to my prayer, O God,
do not ignore my plea;
hear me and answer me.
My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught.
My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen on me.
Fear and trembling have beset me;
horror has overwhelmed me.
I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest.
I would flee far away
and stay in the desert;
I would hurry to my place of shelter,
far from the tempest and storm.”
I call to God,
and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress,
and he hears my voice.
Psalm 55:1–2, 4–8, 16–17
In what ways do you seek God to be your refuge and strength during this time of trouble?
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When Your Whole World Changes – COVID-19 Special Edition helps people deal with the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic. Based on excerpts from the Bible, this 30 day devotion brings unique perspectives to the experience of anxiety and suffering in the face of the global pandemic.