Stalled - Hope And Help For PastorsExemplo
As a pastor, you have probably taught the passage of Mary and Martha many times. The normal takeaway is that Martha was the server and Mary was the sitter. However, the story also reveals that Martha sat for a while, because it says she “was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen.” Likewise, it indicates that Mary served, because Martha complained, “My sister has abandoned the kitchen to me.” Both women chose how they would respond to Jesus being in the house. I believe they chose based on their natural default.
If I’m being completely transparent, I have a feeling I would have done exactly what Martha did. I would have assumed that my service that day was being rated. I would have expected Jesus to peer through His spiritual microscope and critique my performance. And I would be called out and evaluated in front of everyone at the evening’s end. Like Martha, I would have been so caught up in serving Jesus that I would have inadvertently ignored simply hanging out with Him. After all, there’s so much work to be done in performing for Him. What would you have done in this scenario? What do you still do?
I had never given much thought to Jesus’ final comment to Martha. However, there is something in His message to her that really convicts me today. Jesus said, “One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her” (Luke 10:42). Only one thing is essential. Just one. He defined the one thing by saying Mary chose it. The one thing is to enjoy His presence. That truth is so convicting to me. Jesus even reinforced its importance by saying this one thing wouldn’t be taken from her.
Let that sink in for a moment. The choice to enjoy His presence will not be taken away. I believe this is why Jesus said it’s essential. The scene of this lesson isn’t coincidental. Jesus was making a point for all of us who are more driven to serve than to sit. Every one of us has to decide as to how we are going to operate in ministry.
We can choose to serve Jesus while ignoring the intimate relational aspects of being His children—a choice that leads us to depend on our ability. Or we can choose to sit, consistently choosing the atmosphere of His presence that He promised would not be taken away. This choice, by the way, allows Him to carry out His kingdom plan by ministering through us.
This choice to sit doesn’t mean you are idle or, God forbid, lazy. It just means you get direction and power in His presence before you attempt to carry out your ministry. To put it another way, I have been guilty of making my plans and asking Jesus to bless them instead of asking Him for His plan.
This is why having an intimate relationship with Him is the key to overcoming the feeling that you should be there by now. How? Spiritual intimacy helps us see that there is actually wherever He is. This revelation will keep you from feeling as if you have to serve, or work, to get His attention and approval.
Sobre este plano
As a church leader, you may have begun ministry with dreams of making an eternal impact. But years of striving, stress, and strain have left you feeling defeated, disillusioned, and stalled. But there is hope, in this reading plan, Dale Sellers will share how God views you and your ministry regardless of size or any other typical measurement.