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Summerfest - 5 Day Reading PlanExemplo

Summerfest - 5 Day Reading Plan

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by Tim Beasant (Young Adults Pastor - South West Location)

Have you ever wanted to say thank you to someone or wanted to show them how much you appreciate them? 

I remember when I started my first job. I really wanted to save up some money for new clothes, to get some new music equipment and to go on an overseas holiday with my friends. A family friend had heard I was trying to find a job so he offered me a position at his construction company. It wasn’t a very glamorous job but I appreciated the opportunity he had given me to earn decent money and help me save up for the things I wanted to do. I’ll never forget how thankful I was and how much I wanted to do things well during my shifts to say thank you to him for all that he had done to help me. 

When we look at the life and ministry of Jesus often gratitude was one of the trademark indicators that someone had experienced a personal revelation of who Jesus was. It changed everything about their life. They met together, prayed together and read the word together. They couldn't help but be thankful and show their appreciation by doing everything they could to live in response to who Jesus was. 

When we have a revelation of who Jesus is and what he has done for us, the natural overflow of gratitude in our life can be such a powerful thing. It will compel us to travel to be in the presence of God, we will make sacrifices to prioritise Him in our lives and we will love gathering with other people who have had a similar experience of his grace and love. 

This passage shows us how much a genuine encounter with the gospel can radically impact our life forever. On so many occasions people did things motivated by their personal revelation that Jesus was their Saviour. They were so thankful and they did what ever could to live a life in response to who He was and what He had done for them.


  1. Where in your life do you need to make a change to show a greater sense of gratitude for who Jesus is and what He has done for you? 
  2. What is one thing you could do this week to prioritise and demonstrate how thankful you are for who Jesus is and what he has done for you?


Jesus, I thank you so much for who you are and what you have done for me. Help me make decisions that will lead me into your presence and keep you at the centre of my life. I want to live a thankful life where I live compelled by your love and Grace. In Jesus Name. Amen. 

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