An Analog Life in a Digital WorldExemplo
Your faith should result in you becoming more like Jesus, a process we call sanctification. Too often we forget that you can’t be like Jesus if you don't live like Jesus. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus invites us to join him under a yoke, which is a farming tool that is used to link a pair of animals side by side so that they work and walk at the same pace. But the alure of a 21st century paced life can easily pull us away from the yoke that Jesus wants to give his followers.
Jesus regularly practiced pulling away from the crowds so that he could get alone with God. He knew that he needed to get filled up by God before he could pour out for others. Obeying God starts with knowing God, and knowing God starts with spending time with him. The most common excuse for why Christians don't consistently spend time with God is that we are too busy. But if we take a look at the number of hours we spend in front of a screen every day, there is definitely more room in our lives for time alone with God. If Jesus needed it, so do we!
Do you regularly “pull away from the crowds” of social media to spend time with God? Does your lifestyle match what you read of Jesus in the gospels? From the outside, does your life look like your priority is to become more like Jesus?
Take a Next Step: Schedule time to pray tomorrow without a screen anywhere in sight. Aim to pray for twice the amount of time you normally do. For example, if you typically pray for around 5 minutes, set a timer for 10 minutes.
Use this prompt to lead you into prayer:
Jesus, I want to walk with you…
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Screens dominate our daily experience, especially the one in our hands. The allure is taking priority over connection with God. But we can’t blame technology for our upside-down priorities. Digital innovations have put bibles in pockets and worship services in living rooms. We can learn to accept the good, reject the bad, and follow Jesus through it all by living an analog life in a digital world.