An Analog Life in a Digital WorldExemplo
Technology helps us: Encourage
Technology gives us almost unlimited access to one another. You can ask a friend for prayer via text in five seconds. You can make someone’s day with one kind comment on social media. You can donate to a friend’s online fundraiser for a cause they care deeply about. There are so many ways to use technology for encouragement. And yet, it’s all too common to see Christians complain, fight, or judge on social media. And who knows what kind of gossip and harsh remarks are sent via private messages or calls. Are you using technology to build up or tear down? We have the means to create limitless amounts of encouragement at our fingertips - how could you be a voice of encouragement?
Take a Next Step: Send an encouraging message or comment to someone you know who is walking through a hard season right now.
Use this prompt to lead you into prayer:
God, thank you for your kindness. Teach me to show that kindness to others…
Sobre este plano
Screens dominate our daily experience, especially the one in our hands. The allure is taking priority over connection with God. But we can’t blame technology for our upside-down priorities. Digital innovations have put bibles in pockets and worship services in living rooms. We can learn to accept the good, reject the bad, and follow Jesus through it all by living an analog life in a digital world.