Sharing the Good News as a Disciple of JesusExemplo

Jesus Rebuilds the Greatest Temple
By Rev. Patrick Feldhus, Chaplain
“Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again.’” (John 2:19)
How do you measure the time it takes to build large structures? Weeks, months, years? Even with our technological advances, it still takes months to build skyscrapers. It took years to build ancient mega structures, such as the pyramids, the Great Wall of China, and the Roman Colosseum, which still stand tall today.
In our Bible passage Jesus is standing in the great temple complex in Jerusalem. It took 46 years to get the temple to the level it was, and Jesus talked about raising it in three days! Even if Jesus had access to all of our modern equipment and unlimited manpower, it would be impossible to rebuild the temple in only three days to the way it was before being destroyed.
Unfortunately, the people did not understand what temple Jesus was talking about, which also showed that the people did not understand who He was. Jesus was not referring to the physical building but rather to His body. Many of the people to whom He was talking were going to hate Jesus so much that in three years’ time, they would call for His crucifixion. But they did not know who He was. He is God Almighty.
He had the power to raise his temple in three days! And that is exactly what he did on Easter morning. Jesus rebuilt His dead and broken temple to shine with the glory of Lord. He finished the work of bringing life to those who are dead in their sins. This is good news for all of us.
The wages of sin are still destroying temples in death. We have all earned the grave by being born in sin and displaying sin in our lives. But thanks be to God! He sent his Son to rebuild his temple in three days so that He can do away with sin and death for all of us. You need not fear that which Jesus can and will rebuild. Life has defeated death. Your bodily temples will rise from the dead and inherit eternal life all because Jesus raised His temple in three days!
Prayer: Dear gracious Savior! Through Your resurrection, You promise to raise us from the dead and to give us eternal life. Help us to find comfort in the face of death – that our bodily temples will rise on the last day when You return, and that we will live with You in glory forevermore! In Your name we pray. Amen.
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Our love and faith in Jesus moves us to share the gospel with joyful enthusiasm. As Christians and disciples of Jesus, we are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We know the comfort provided by Christ’s righteousness and can share that feeling. We can rejoice in the riches of God’s grace. This six-day devotion series, shared by TLHA's chaplains, focuses on opportunities to share about our Lord.