God’s Care For Refugees, Foreigners and StrangersExemplo

Showing Hospitality Is a Good Thing To Do
It is a general Biblical command to love your neighbor as you love yourself. But our love should not be confined to our literal neighbors or to our inner circle of friends and family members. In the book of Hebrews, we are urged to show hospitality to strangers as well. This was especially important in those days when most people could not afford to spend the night in a hotel. But it still holds true today.
Since we, as believers, are like strangers in the world, we can identify with people who are far from home and feel lost and lonely. Let this encourage us to welcome strangers. These people are especially vulnerable and may need our help.
Hebrews 13:2 mentions some people have welcomed angels into their home without knowing it. The Bible records at least one example, namely the story of Lot. When he saw two strangers in the city, he offered them a meal and a place to sleep. The next morning, the strangers turned out to be angels sent by God to save Lot and his family from His judgment.
Welcoming strangers is a good way to express love. How can you show hospitality?
Sobre este plano

Millions of people worldwide live as strangers or refugees in a country that is not their own. God wants us to treat them well. The Bible also speaks about “spiritual strangers." This reading plan explains how God cares for spiritual, political, or social strangers.