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God’s Heart For The PoorExemplo

God’s Heart For The Poor

Dia 9 de 31

Open Our Eyes

The imagery of this verse is astounding. How often do we close our eyes to the poor around us? When we do that, we receive no blessing. Instead, we receive many curses.

Poverty is uncomfortable and sometimes it’s easier to look away. It’s easier to pretend we didn’t see the lack—lack of hope, lack of worth. Just like this verse says, we close our eyes to the oppressed.

Jesus looked people in need directly in the eyes. He saw them. He didn’t turn His eyes away from poverty or illness. He stopped and gave people hope. He wasn’t motivated by what people in need could offer Him. He had genuine love for them and wanted to help meet their needs—physical, emotional, and spiritual. He acted with compassion.

See past the circumstances and discover the person. We can hurt with the hurting, cry with the grieving, and give to those in need.

Remember, while poverty is uncomfortable, we have a choice. We can close our eyes or we can stop and truly look. We can see past the poverty and into the eyes of a person who needs compassion that Jesus can offer. Let’s open our eyes and truly see.

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God’s Heart For The Poor

The Bible tells us that God “takes up the case” of those who have been crushed. When we follow His lead, we become an advocate for the poor—doing whatever we can to fight for justice. Over the next 30 days, we’ll take a compelling look into poverty and how God has entrusted us to respond.


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