Royals Part I: United KingdomExemplo

Storm Brewing
Solomon is a shockingly accurate example of our current generation. He wasn't particularly bad. He didn't oppress people or mistreat them. As far as many of the kings go, he was a pretty good person. But in some ways all of his comfort, wealth, and wisdom were his true downfall. Solomon was so comfortable that he had forgotten his true purpose was not to amass more wealth or indulge his desires. His true purpose was to serve the people of Israel.
Solomon became so distracted by his wealth, power, and wives that he completely forgot about his relationship with God. So many of us today are so distracted by pursuing these things and cramming our busy schedules that we forget to fit God into our lives. The problem with many of us today is not that we mistreat people or are particularly "evil," but we are so distracted by our comfort and indulgence that we don't even realize how far away we have fallen from God.
Many Christians today are not abruptly leaving their faith; they're just allowing it to slowly fade away as they become consumed by other things. Unless we start to construct our priorities in the same way we risk the same fate. We might not be in the storm right now, but the storm is brewing.
Thought Point
What are you doing to prioritize your relationship with God above other areas of your life?
Prayer point
Come before God, invite the Spirit to fill your heart, and replace other things that may have taken up space there.
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Tales of triumph and tragedy in the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. The history of Kings of Israel and Judah is a story of divine faithfulness despite human failure. These flawed rulers point us towards the one true faithful king. Part I covers Saul, David, and Solomon, the three kings of the United Kingdom.