Seven Weapons of Spiritual WarfareExemplo

Gird Yourself with the Truth
The first piece of this armor identified in Ephesians 6, verse 14 is to “…gird your loins with the truth.” Some versions of the Bible talk about putting on the “belt of truth,” and I rather like that description.
Think about a soldier going into battle, (or even a policeman, or fireman).
One of the major pieces of kit that they all wear is a utility belt. Their belts hold all kinds of tools, weapons, grenades, knives, guns, and equipment to help them wage war. The belt also holds together some of the other pieces of armor. It holds up their trousers so they don’t trip as they run to the battle lines and it holds their chain mail or Kevlar vests in place to protect the upper body.
The belt is the central part of the armor worn by a soldier and it has many uses, not the least of which is to free up the hands to be able to fight and use the tools and weapons contained in the belt.
For a Christian, truth is at the core to everything about this spiritual battle.
If we do not have the truth, and I mean the absolute, unerring truth of God, then we will not have the “belt” that holds everything together.
Without a solid belt, a soldier will be in dire straits. He would have to carry everything in his hands and maybe even hold his trousers up. He would be totally ineffective in a fight.
It’s the same with a Christian. Without the truth, we will lose the war. Without the truth that exists only in God’s word, given to us by Him, we will flounder aimlessly and be unable to wage war.
The truth, like a belt, is central to the armor of God, and that is why it is represented as a belt. It is the primary building block upon which everything else hangs, and the truth is in Jesus.
Remember, Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” He is the truth and the truth can only be found when we follow His words exactly, without deviating to the right or left. Jesus came to bear witness to the truth and when we follow His truth, we find freedom, as, “The truth will set you free.”
Call to action:
Are you listening to the words of Jesus or just accepting what others tell you? Seek the truth for yourself and question everything. The Bible is the only place truth will be found.
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Christians are at war in the spirit. They have been provided with seven weapons of warfare to fight the devil and other enemies. But we must learn what these weapons are and how to use them effectively to fight and win this war against the devil and the weaknesses and passions of our flesh.