The Easter Story In Virtual RealityExemplo
The Agony of Jesus in Virtual Reality
The video below, which is based on Stories 265-270 of The Merged Gospels, will take you to all the places in the Holy Land that are relevant to the agony and internment of Jesus Christ.
For instructions on how to watch this virtual reality video click here.
"Take this cup away from me." (Story 265 of The Merged Gospels)
While everyone who is born dies, Jesus is the only Man in history Who was born to die. He was on death row since the day He came into the world. The Magi's gift of myrrh, a burial ointment, foreshadows this reality (Matthew 2:11). And yet in Gethsemane's garden He prayed as if His Father would grant Him clemency from His lifelong death sentence.
But Jesus sees the bigger picture. To Him, everything that befalls you is either something that God is doing, or something that He is allowing. Either way, it is all good.
Now, flash back to an earlier moment in the life of Jesus - to The Mount of Temptation. According to The Merged Gospels, Story 20, the devil tried three times to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. After failing to do so, Luke 4:13 tells us that Satan left Jesus until an "opportune time." In other words, Satan's temptations were far from finished. Jesus even suggests that the devil looked for many such "opportunities" when He said to His apostles, "You are those who have remained with Me in My temptations." (Luke 22:28)
Then on the night that He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, Jesus endured the devil's final temptation. Yet for the sake of the entire world His last moments as a free man were spent in victory, successfully resisting the most common of human propensities - the fight for survival. And as quickly as Christ dismissed the devil's trials in the wilderness three years earlier, He rejected this final scheme on the Mount of Olives, when He said, "Nevertheless, Thy will be done."
Transformational thought - Jesus was tempted in every way that we are tempted today, but He did not sin. If we are in Christ, we too should be expected to behave like He did, and to push back in the power of the Holy Spirit when the devil comes whispering.
Transformational prayer - Lord, let my love for You grow stronger every day, so that Satan's lures will diminish against the strength of my resolve to be faithful to You alone.
All Gospel references in this plan are from The Merged Gospels translation of the four Gospels.
See more virtual reality videos of the Holy Land at The Octagon Project.
Sobre este plano
In this reading plan you will be transported through virtual reality to the actual places in Israel where the Easter story actually occurred - from the agony of Jesus to His resurrection. In virtual reality you will feel like you are walking through each site. And you can experience it on any device that is connected to the Internet - brought to you by The Octagon Project.