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Lies That Can Ruin a Marriage by Pete Briscoe Exemplo

Lies That Can Ruin a Marriage by Pete Briscoe

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Lie #4

Scripture: Hebrews 10:23-25

Lie #4 – You and your spouse can handle marital struggles on your own. 

Satan ‘s strategy is to divide and conquer. He wants you to think that you are the only ones going through this stuff (Ha!). He wants you to feel more embarrassed than you feel motivated to get help. He wants you to avoid the people who speak truth and love into your life. He wants you to disobey one of the foundational principles in Scripture:

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching. —Hebrews 10:23-25

You need that. I need that. We need that. It’s a lie to think otherwise. It’s called loving biblical community.

What’s going on in your key relationships? What’s up in your marriage? Are you trying to handle it on your own? If you want to go it alone, I suppose you can try, but why? Maybe it’s time to flush some pride and ego and get connected like God designed it?

The lie is that you can get through the tough times in your marriage alone.  The truth is that a marriage surrounded by loving biblical community will do better than a marriage experienced in isolation.

God, I accept that I am not an island. I need You. I need what You provide through others when things are tough. I confess my prideful, independent flesh patterns. Make me willing to accept Your grace, wisdom, and support through others. Show me whom You want me to connect with today. Amen.

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Lies That Can Ruin a Marriage by Pete Briscoe

Satan uses popular culture, books, movies, and even other people to tell us what marriage "should" be. No wonder so many couples are unsatisfied and looking elsewhere to find happiness. Satan's ultimate goal is to divide husbands and wives and to destroy families, and he'll use anything at his disposal to do it. Pete Briscoe shines a spotlight on eight lies that can devastate your marriage.
