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The Spirit Of AdoptionExemplo

The Spirit Of Adoption

Dia 9 de 15

There's a third ministry of the Holy Spirit in this work of sonship and that is not only is He leading us and giving us intimate access but He's assuring us. He gives us assurance. Romans 8 Verse 16, “The Holy Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.”  He testifies with our spirit that we are children of God. The Holy Spirit comes to us, takes up residence in us, and confirms to our hearts that we belong to God.

Let me tell you where this comes from. In the adoption process in ancient Rome, seven witnesses had to be there. Seven Roman citizens who were the firsthand eyewitnesses of the transaction in its fullness. Why? Because the Roman Empire rulers knew well what would happen when the father dies and all the biologically born children resent the adopted son who was the heir to their father's estate? There was bound to be a battle.

And so when the children who are born to the father were going to say “He's not legitimate, he's making an illegitimate claim,” somewhere there would be seven people who were eyewitnesses to this very legal transaction who could affirm the truthfulness and legitimacy of that claim made by the adopted son to the adopted dead father's estate.

We don't need seven. We just need one, the Holy Spirit, who has sealed us to the day of redemption, which means we are protected until the day of redemption. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit is referred to in Rev. 1:4, 3:1 and 4:5 as the Seven Spirits of God. No one can ever take our inheritance; it's reserved and set apart for us, as Peter says, right? Undefiled and laid up in heaven for you.

The Holy Spirit is the seal and the Holy Spirit is the arrabon, or the engagement ring, the down-payment, the guarantee, and the Holy Spirit is the firsthand witness of the first fruits. 

In other words, the Holy Spirit becomes the guarantee of the full inheritance. That is what verse 16 is saying. He testifies with us that we are the children of God. He bears witness along with our spirit. There is an internal confidence that all is well. This, in a word, is called hope.  We have a strong hope, don't we? And that's the work of the Holy Spirit—to give us that strong hope.

I don't live daily fearing I might not make it to heaven. It never enters my mind. Why? Because the internal witness of the Holy Spirit gives me hope.

If you were a child out in the streets or in a very difficult, abusive, perishing family, what you would want would be someone who would lead you and guide you in the right way, someone who would take all the fear out of your life, all the anxiety out of your life, and have all the resources that you could ever hope for, ever need, and far more, and somebody who would assure you of a future.  If you could find somebody like that, that would make an adoptive child happy.

Well, you have that and more because that is what God promises you, and not only does He take you in by adoption, but He changes your nature, and then He begins to make you look like the Father and the Brother, Christ Himself. This is the blessed work of the Holy Spirit. Nothing less gives Him the honor He is due than to understand this.

Adoption in Paul's inspired metaphor also meant that the adopted son held the same citizenship as the father. And we are told that our citizenship is in heaven. That is something else that has changed about us. We not only have a new name and a new family relationship we also have a new citizenship. We are no longer citizens of the world that is going to perish. We are aliens here. We are citizens of the new world to come. We have the rights of heavenly citizenship, and the responsibility to live like citizens of our Father's kingdom while in this world which is now alien to us.

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.” (Philippians 3:20-4:1)





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The Spirit Of Adoption

In this brief study on ‘The Spirit of Adoption’ , many misconceptions in the minds of readers about adoption and what it is will be dealt with and you will get to know with scriptural proof where you really stand in the Kingdom of God. Knowing the truth will help you daily live your Christian life to the fullest in God’s perfect will.
