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The Reconstruction of a Virtuous WomanExemplo

The Reconstruction of a Virtuous Woman

Dia 1 de 3


A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. - Proverbs 31:10 (NIV)

The definition of worth means the value equivalent of someone or something under consideration; the level at which some- one or something deserves to be valued or rated. In the Bible, rubies are mentioned several times. Isaiah 54:12 implies that rubies are expensive and highly desired. Rihanna should have changed her song from Diamonds to Rubies “Shine Bright Like a Ruby!” Now, if I’m reading this text right, (insert your name) is worth far more than rubies. Say it again! Say it out loud! Repeat it until it resonates in your spirit! Listen, this is just the first verse, and that should already give you the confidence to know that God sees your worth as higher than rubies, money, Prada, Gucci, Beamer, Benz, or Bentley. You name it, and you are above that! He looks at you with high standards. So why don’t you feel that way about yourself? My prayer for the next three days is for you to seek validation from the Holy Spirit. When a negative thought starts to creep in (because it will), go back to this verse and cast it down. Shine bright, girl!

Day 1: Good Morning,Gorgeous!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

- 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

We know that baptism is the outward symbol of commitment to Christ. I was baptized at ten years old when I received Christ as my personal Savior. There’s something about coming out of the water as a new person. You feel transformed from the inside out. Each day, I try to live out that new life. Have you heard the scripture that says, “The righteous falls seven times and rises again…”? Let’s just say I recommitted myself a couple of times. I got baptized again at twenty-three and at twenty-seven years old. Honestly, I feel like I’m due for another one. Although, the Scriptures do not indicate that multiple baptisms are necessary, I find that the outward expression of a recommitment to Christ helps me recenter on Him.

I realized that water represented purification, sanctification, and renewal of spirit. Instead of these being moments of my life, I should have this attitude and sense of newness every day. I understand that God gives us new mercies each day when we open our eyes and take a breath from our night’s rest. There is a newness, a sense of hope, or even an opportunity to do something different from yesterday.

The Bible says in Lamentations 3:22–24 (ESV), “The stead- fast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” Hebrews 8:12 (ESV) states, “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” God is not dwelling on the things from the past or even yesterday. He forgets them and gives us a new opportunity to get closer to Him or a new day to turn away from things that keep us apart from Him. When I think about it, I thank God that He is not like us.

I know for me; I fell victim to bringing my past into my future. God forgot all about it, but I was still sitting miserable. I read this devotion on new mercies, and I encourage everyone to try the “Fresh Start Effect”: Every morning, when you wake up, have a new perspective. Envision God telling you that your mistakes, the way you act, and your mindset from yesterday are behind you. You have a clean slate this morning.

Journal Prompt:

You have been given a clean slate today. How will you tackle the day pertaining to your thoughts and actions?

Virtuous Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank you for waking us this morning and giving us new mercies each day. Father, thank you for giving us a fresh start. Psalm 30:5 says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.” We thank you, Father, for giving us a clean slate. You gave us a clean slate when your Son died on the cross for our sins. He allows us to do better and be better, and we thank you, Lord. We thank you for giving us another day on this earth, for there were others who did not receive that, so we live our lives with purpose and mission because you give us the breath to do so. Lord, forgive our sins because to get a fresh start, we must acknowledge our shortcomings to you. Thank you, God, because once we confess, you remember no more and walk us through a new day with a fresh anointing. Again, we thank you for being with us.

Dia 2

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The Reconstruction of a Virtuous Woman

Becoming a Christian and surrendering one's life to Christ can be a process filled with amazing joys, yet internal struggles, especially when the world and former desires resurface. Grow in your relationship with Christ and welcome God to reconstruct your inner being through practical devotions, prayer and journal prompts. This plan is based on the book 31 Days Towards The Reconstruction of a Virtuous Woman by Tristian Holley.
