Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?Exemplo

Jesus came to reveal the kind of relationship God wants to have with us.
Jesus the Son depended on God the Father. While on the earth, God spoke often to the Son and said He was pleased with Him.
The relationship between them reveals the kind of relationship God desires to have with us. God wants a relationship not based on duty or ritual but that of a loving father and a child.
Through Jesus, God gives us an opportunity to be His children. We become part of His international and eternal family. As His children, God has given us responsibilities, and He promises to be with us to fulfill them. He also works through our unique talents and abilities, enhancing us for our joy and His pleasure. This brings Him glory!
God wants more than a distant relationship with us.
Sobre este plano

God is complex. We cannot fully understand Him. He is also relational and has been revealing Himself to mankind since the beginning of time. Jesus was not created but was with God from the beginning. Why did Jesus come to earth? Where is the peace His birth was supposed to bring? Some answers to these questions are found in this five-day Bible study.