John 3:16Exemplo

The Most Famous Bible Verse
The Bible is big. Many of us struggle to remember parts of it. But if you ask anybody on the street, highly likely they’ll have the same answer to this question: What is the best-known verse in the Bible? Answer: John 3:16. Yes, not everyone will be able to recite it. However, many can even if they haven’t picked up God’s Word in a long time. This verse is bare minimum Bible knowledge.
Do you know what The Most Famous Bible Verse means? Rather than rattle it off like a lifeless fact, stop to consider its endless riches and invaluable depth. Say each word slowly, deliberately, and get a taste of the sheer scale of what John 3:16 reveals about God, His one and only Son, the world, belief, and Eternal Life.
The John 3:16 Podcast is a limited series with a joyous goal. Whatever we already know and love about this verse, the podcast series with New Testament experts Cass Kwakye and Tom Habib encourages us to know and love it more. Cass and Tom explore what comes before, during, and after John 3:16.
Across the next six devotions, we’ll consider parts of each episode of the John 3:16 Podcast. Taking time to look at the context, significance, and ramifications of The Most Famous Bible Verse should have you seeing John 3:16 in a wonderful, renewed light.
- The John 3:16 Podcast can be found at www.hope1032/listen/podcasts/
Written by BEN McEACHEN
Sobre este plano

Arguably one of the most well-known Bible verses around the world, John 3:16 carries the weight of the Greatest Gift we can ever receive. This 7-day Plan breaks this verse and the surrounding passages down in a way that will help you grasp the magnitude of God’s Plan and His Love for you – read along and be encouraged!