Release the OffenseExemplo

Offense: Inevitable but not Invincible
Above all things, the heart (the inward person: the spirit / soul) must be protected, because they determine the course of our lives. If one’s heart is damaged, so is his or her life-flow. One of the things that can invade and contaminate the heart is OFFENSE. And offense is inevitable. Jesus Himself said so:
“Then said He unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offenses will come…” Luke 17:1
As Jesus clearly stated, offenses will occur; they are unavoidable. Our task is not to eliminate the possibility of offense but to prepare ourselves to handle it appropriately when it arises. Each of us will face situations with the potential to destabilize us—causing us to lose our temper or react impulsively.
If you have ever felt like "tripping," or you have been told, "you’re tripping," then you have encountered the crux of offense—a disruption meant to induce chaos. It is the emotional, psychological “stumble” that leads to one being trapped. The mismanagement of offense is not uncommon. Given the unavoidable nature of offenses, it is crucial to master the art of extricating oneself from these traps. Over the next 8 days, we will explore how offenses arise, their impact, the necessity of releasing them, and how to do so effectively.
Join me as we delve deeper into the reality of offenses—their tripping and trapping nature—and the powerful truth that we can recover from them. In this plan, we will examine Scripture to understand the essentiality of forgiveness and letting go of past hurts. Our goal is not only to please God, but also to free ourselves, walking in victory over the chains of resentment and bitterness. As we immerse ourselves in God's Word, we will prepare our hearts for the next level in our relationship with Christ, where His grace abounds.
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Are you a believer but still struggling with unforgiveness in your life? Then join our journey with Jesus Christ and allow the Lord to show you how to Release the Offense. This 8-day series by Bishop Michael Blue explores lessons from the life of Jesus and his followers, as he taught them to harness their faith, forgive others, and experience God-transformation in their everyday life.