The Tent Of MeetingSample

I have to admit that Moses didn’t have an easy job. Over and over, he had to deal with a people that had the tendency to quickly forget what God had done for them. And on top of their idolatry and constant rebellion, this people always seemed unhappy and dissatisfied, despite the multiple miracles they had experienced.
I smile when I read this passage in the Message version. Moses puts the responsibility back on God, saying: “Don’t forget, this is Your people, Your responsibility.” I know that when my nephews start misbehaving, I’m always happy to be able to turn to my sister and say: “Don’t forget, these are your kids, they are your responsibility.”
Unless you’re part of Hillsong Church in France, I don’t know what your context is like on Sundays and I wouldn’t know much about the people you serve with on a week-to-week basis. I am personally blessed to have extraordinary pastors and to be part of a church that is full of very encouraging people. That being said, I am fully aware that this is not everyone’s reality and that some of you probably feel like you’re always working against the flow.
Nevertheless, no matter what you are facing, if you are called to lead God’s people in worship – whether from the platform or behind a console – I am convinced that the presence of God is with you every step of the way.
Like with Moses, God makes us this promise: “My presence will go with you. I’ll see the journey to the end.” (Exodus 33:14 [MSG]).
So when we say the presence of God is with us, what does that mean?
There are probably multiple meanings, but I believe one of them is this absolute confidence that we are never alone. God is not indifferent to our situation. If you feel like you’re all alone, or if you have the impression that you have no one to look up to, don’t forget that the life of the best role model of all times is detailed the pages of the Bible – Jesus Christ – and that we have the Spirit of God alive within us. We don’t need to struggle on our own or try to do everything in our own strength. He is fighting for us and with us.
If you are called to be a leader, never forget that God is with you. If you are facing discouragement, ask God to renew your strength and give you a fresh revelation of His presence in your life.
Today’s question: What are the things discouraging me at the moment? How can I remember that God is with me, no matter the circumstances?
About this Plan

From the beginning of time, God has called upon artists to make His presence known on the earth. In the book of Exodus, we can read the story of Bezalel, the artisan who God chose to lead the building of the Tent of Meeting. It is said that this was the place that God would speak to Moses, “as one speaks to a friend”. This reading plan is for all those who serve their local church as part of the creative team and for all those who would like to know more about how God is calling us to use our creativity for His glory.
We would like to thank Jonathan Mercier and the entire creative team from Hillsong Church in France for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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