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Wisdom: The Principle ThingSample

Wisdom: The Principle Thing

DAY 20 OF 31

Glorifying God in Our Allegiance to Him

Do you have plans for today, tomorrow, or next week (v. 24)? God governs the universe, by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). He will alter your days in however He chooses to bring glory to Himself. Wise men will submit to God, knowing they can never determine the forecast or change the future. He knows the end from the beginning, and yet, we don’t even know what tomorrow will bring (Proverbs 27:1). We can plan, but the Lord rules the details of our lives. He created all and governs it all for His own pleasure (Ephesians 1:11; Isaiah 46:10). Since we do not know what His secret things are, we as believers go to God in prayer until they are revealed (Deuteronomy 29:29).

We often devise plans, but we know the Lord rules the details and fully trust in Him because He rules the future, saints. Do not despair in His secret things, but rather, rejoice and trust in His goodness. There is rest in whatever He chooses to do, and it will be for your good and for His glory. Seek Christ, keep His commandments, be cheerful, and give thanks regardless of your circumstances in this life. That's how we can glorify God in our allegiance to Him.

Whether it’s honoring your parents (v. 20), seeking counsel from older wise believers (v. 29), or obeying civil authority (v. 28), it is wisdom that the Lord has graciously blessed you with in order to honor Him.

Day 19Day 21