话语的实际(2018年,十一月) Sample

13 Pastor Chris克雷斯牧师
For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps (1 Peter 2:21).
The Lord Jesus, in His earth-walk, led an exemplary life. Not only was He a phenomenal intrusion into the sense realm, He was extraordinary in all facets. He was never in want; He had no consciousness of need; He was always in charge of situations and circumstances. He was a marvel, to say the least. He used words like no one ever did.
There isn’t a more perfect example for us to emulate than Jesus. He exercised absolute mastery over circumstances; never flustered or ruffled by anything. Every word He spoke came to pass. Once, He was in a boat with His disciples and they heard Him talking to the boisterous winds and waves. Prior to that time, they had heard him talk to a tree, and the tree withered from its roots. He talked to blind eyes, and to lame legs, they all heard and obeyed Him. No wonder they asked in utter bewilderment, “What manner of man is this?”
Well, I’ll tell you the manner of man Jesus is: He heads up the new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says if any man be in Christ, he’s a new creature; a new kind of man; this new kind of man is like Jesus. We’re of the same stock. 1 John 4:17 says, “…as he is, so are we in this world.” This is the reason we can emulate Him. Our theme scripture tells us to follow His steps; in other words, follow His examples; and that’s because as He is, so are we. He said in Mark 11:23, “You shall have what you say.” Hallelujah!
让我来告诉你耶稣是怎样的人:祂是新造之人初熟的果子。哥林多后书5:17说人若在基督里,他就是新造的人,这新造的人就如同耶稣一样。我们是相同的。约翰一书4:17说: “……因为他如何,我们在这世上也如何。”这是我们可以效法祂的原因。我们的开篇经文告诉我们要跟随祂的脚步,换句话说,就是跟随祂的榜样,而这是因为祂如何,我们也如何。祂在马可福音11:23说道:“必按他所说的给他成了。”哈利路亚!
Practise this even now: command any boisterous wind and waves that may be billowing against your finances, your job, your academics, family, ministry, etc., to cease. Speak to diabetes to be healed; tell that cancerous growth to dematerialize. You can, like Jesus, talk to anything and it’ll obey you. That’s the example Jesus left us with, His very steps that we have to follow.
Thank you blessed Father, for the worthy and glorious examples of Jesus; I control situations and circumstances, and reign in this life over Satan and the elements of this world by the power of the Holy Spirit, and authority in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Further Study
John 14:12
Ephesians 5:1
About this Plan

哈利路亚!你最喜爱的每日灵修《话语的实际》现已可 提供1000种语言的译本,并且还在计算中!我们相信 2018的灵修版本将会提升你属灵生命的成长和发展,并 使你在全年中可以经历巨大的成功。这本灵修集收录了 改变生命的思维,将以神的道更新、转变、预备你,使 你经历极为充满、富有果效、有益的生命。
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