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2 Timothy: Guard The GospelSample

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

DAY 14 OF 30

False teaching is spreading in Ephesus, but Paul knows that ‘God’s solid foundation stands firm’. This foundation is the church. In his first letter to Timothy, Paul refers to the church as ‘the pillar and foundation of the truth’ (1 Tim. 3:15). Here he uses the same architectural imagery to remind Timothy that, although there may be some whose faith is shaken, the church – God’s solid foundation – will remain secure.

In ancient times, a seal was sometimes inscribed on a building as proof of ownership so everyone would know who it belonged to. Paul says God has inscribed his seal of ownership on the church to show we belong to him and to guarantee our permanence. As his people, we are both secure and easy to identify because this seal has an inscription. 

Our confidence is not based on the fragile hope that we know God, but on the unshakable truth that he knows us. God can’t be deceived by hypocrisy; he knows those he has chosen for eternal life. We may come across people who try to undermine the gospel with their teaching and behaviour, but we do not need to be afraid or insecure. God can distinguish between his chosen people and imposters, and he will ultimately judge those who don’t belong to him.

And those who belong to God demonstrate their genuine faith by repentance of sin and obedience to him. We confess the name of the Lord by turning away from sin and trusting in him for salvation. We will turn away from false teaching which leads to a corrupt mind and ungodly behaviour (1 Tim. 6:3–5). Instead, we will grow in holiness as we obey God’s Word.

We should be encouraged that the Lord has chosen us, and that he will enable us to remain faithful and show we belong to him by our godly behaviour. God’s church will stand. This is our hope and confidence in the face of false teaching.


How does the promise that ‘The Lord knows those who are his’ give you assurance? When will this truth especially encourage you? Are there particular sins you need to repent of and turn away from? Does the way you live show that you belong to the Lord?

Day 13Day 15

About this Plan

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

In prison, chained like a criminal and awaiting his execution, Paul writes his final letter to his beloved spiritual son, Timothy. Knowing that his life may soon be over, Paul takes the opportunity to pass on gospel truth to the next generation. He exhorts Timothy to carry on faithfully preaching the gospel and encourages him to stick to the truth despite the suffering that will inevitably come his way.


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