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2 Timothy: Guard The GospelSample

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

DAY 15 OF 30

Think of a grand house – like Downton Abbey, or Pemberley Hall in Pride and Prejudice. These houses are full of expensive utensils – gold and silver dishes, and crystal glasses – used by the master of the house and his family or guests. They also contain everyday utensils used by the servants for menial tasks such as cleaning bathrooms or scrubbing floors. Paul compares the church to a house like this. And he says that in God’s house it’s only the expensive utensils that count – not because of their value, but because of their purpose.

If we want to serve God, we need to be clean. In the Old Testament, everything that was used in the Jewish temple had to be set apart and cleansed. In the same way, if we are set apart to serve our Master, we must also be cleansed – from false teaching that destroys faith (v. 18), and from the sinful behaviour this teaching leads to (v. 19). We can only be useful to God if we are set apart and holy. Then will we be ‘prepared to do any good work’ he has for us (v. 21).

In the previous verses Paul has been contrasting Timothy’s teaching and behaviour with that of the false teachers in Ephesus. In these following verses it’s likely he is continuing to contrast faithful and false teachers rather than believers and unbelievers. But verse 21 is an encouragement for anyone who wants to serve Jesus. If we avoid false teaching and keep ourselves from sin – including quarrelling and ungodly speech (2:14, 16) – then we will have the great privilege of being used by our Master, Jesus Christ. If we pursue truth and holiness, we will be prepared for his good works.


What are some of the good works Jesus has called you to do? In what ways do you need to change to be prepared for these works? How will God’s Word help you to do this? Pray God will give you the desire to pursue holiness. Ask him to help you avoid the things that will keep you from being useful to him.

Day 14Day 16

About this Plan

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

In prison, chained like a criminal and awaiting his execution, Paul writes his final letter to his beloved spiritual son, Timothy. Knowing that his life may soon be over, Paul takes the opportunity to pass on gospel truth to the next generation. He exhorts Timothy to carry on faithfully preaching the gospel and encourages him to stick to the truth despite the suffering that will inevitably come his way.


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