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2 Timothy: Guard The GospelSample

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

DAY 2 OF 30

Paul is devoted to prayer. All his letters show his faithfulness in praying for people and churches. Even at the end of his life, alone in prison and facing death, he continues to pray for others. At this point we may expect Paul’s prayers to be more focused on his own circumstances. We might expect him to ask God for relief from discomfort, release from prison or rescue from execution. But verse 3 shows he continues to pray regularly and persistently for others – including Timothy.

Paul is a godly leader and mentor. His prayers show his dependence and trust in God to equip and sustain other believers. Paul knows only God can do this, so he prays ‘constantly’ (v. 3). This is a challenge for those of us involved in teaching or mentoring younger Christians. In the busyness of preparing talks or Bible studies, youth events or church programmes, it can be easy to neglect prayer. But Paul’s effectiveness in discipleship stems from his commitment to prayer. His prayers are fuelled by his love for Timothy and his concern for gospel ministry. In a similar way, our love for other believers should result in us praying for them. 

Both Timothy’s mother and grandmother were women of faith, but genuine faith can’t be inherited – it must be personal. So Paul thanks God for saving Timothy and giving him a sincere faith. In our prayers, we should thank God for his saving work in the lives of other believers, and we should pray persistently for him to save those who don’t yet know him. As we pray, we acknowledge God’s power and sovereignty, and we show our humble dependence on him. 

Even in chains and anticipating execution, Paul continues to serve God – through his prayers. Our circumstances don’t exclude or excuse us from being involved in gospel ministry – we should always be faithful in prayer. Paul was no less a servant of the gospel praying in a Roman prison than when he was church-planting in Asia!


How committed are you to praying for other Christians? Think about your small group; those you serve with at church; your church leaders; mission workers; and your wider church family. Who could you commit to pray for regularly? Ask God to help your prayer life become more other-person centred.

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About this Plan

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

In prison, chained like a criminal and awaiting his execution, Paul writes his final letter to his beloved spiritual son, Timothy. Knowing that his life may soon be over, Paul takes the opportunity to pass on gospel truth to the next generation. He exhorts Timothy to carry on faithfully preaching the gospel and encourages him to stick to the truth despite the suffering that will inevitably come his way.


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