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2 Timothy: Guard The GospelSample

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

DAY 6 OF 30

Gospel ministry involves suffering. If we are to be faithful in sharing the gospel, we should expect to suffer in some way. Paul is suffering in a Roman prison, but his confidence in the gospel and his commitment to it is unshakeable. Verse 12 tells us why he is willing to suffer. 

Firstly, Paul is willing to suffer because he knows the one he has believed in – he knows Jesus. He doesn’t just know about Jesus; he knows him personally. He knows his character; he has confidence in his faithfulness. Knowing Jesus personally changes the way we view our circumstances. We can remain confident and unshaken, even in the hardest of circumstances, because we know the one who is with us and for us. 

Secondly, Paul is convinced of God’s power to guard the gospel. Paul has been abandoned by the believers in Asia (1:15), including a close ministry friend (4:10). He knows false teaching is spreading throughout the church (2:17–18) and that false teachers will continue to prosper (3:8; 4:3). But he is certain the gospel will be preserved and passed on until the day Jesus returns because of God’s power. 

God is committed to guarding his gospel so that it is passed on throughout the generations until Jesus returns. Paul therefore knows his suffering is worthwhile – because it will advance the gospel. God will use his suffering to help the gospel spread and bear fruit. Therefore Paul isn’t anxious about the future of the gospel, but confidently entrusts it to God – the true guardian. 

We too can have confidence in God to preserve his gospel regardless of the discouraging responses to it we often see. We may be disheartened by spiritual indifference within our churches. We may be dismayed when biblical truths are distorted. But we do not need to despair because God is both able and committed to guard his gospel.


How willing are you to endure suffering so that the gospel may be passed on to others? What might this look like? Thank God that he is the true guardian of the gospel and that he will ensure it is preserved and passed on until Jesus returns. Pray that he will make you willing to suffer so that others may hear the gospel message.

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel

In prison, chained like a criminal and awaiting his execution, Paul writes his final letter to his beloved spiritual son, Timothy. Knowing that his life may soon be over, Paul takes the opportunity to pass on gospel truth to the next generation. He exhorts Timothy to carry on faithfully preaching the gospel and encourages him to stick to the truth despite the suffering that will inevitably come his way.


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