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SWHW Bible Reading Plan: July 2021Sample

SWHW Bible Reading Plan: July 2021

DAY 21 OF 22

Top Takeaway from Liz Patton:

In my Bible, the heading of Hebrews 8 is, “Christ is our High Priest,” and I pretty much love that the author of Hebrews starts out this chapter by telling us the main point:

“Here is the main point: We have a High Priest who sat down in the place of honor beside the throne of the majestic God in heaven. There he ministers in the heavenly Tabernacle, the true place of worship that was built by the Lord and not by human hands”  Hebrews 8:1-2.

Before Christ came, when we were under the Old Covenant, it was necessary for the high priest to offer regular sacrifices, “for without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness” Hebrews 8:22.  Year after year, the priests would have to make sacrifices on behalf of the people, and I can imagine the people were oftentimes filled with lots of guilt and shame while they waited for their annual sacrifice to be made for them.

But those sacrifices weren’t enough to cleanse the consciences of the people-- so Christ came as our High Priest, our Perfect Sacrifice.

What a gift it is that we can, at any time day or night, stop what we are doing to go before our High Priest, confess our sins, and ask for and receive His forgiveness!  

“But now, once for all time, he has appeared at the end of the age to remove sin by his own death as a sacrifice” Hebrews 9:26.

Once for all time! 

Father, we are so thankful for Christ’s sacrifice once for all time.  We are so thankful His sacrifice takes away all of our sins.  And we are so thankful that when Jesus returns, He won’t come to bear our sins anymore, but to bring salvation to all of us who are waiting for Him so we can spend eternity with YOU!  In Jesus’ precious and holy name, Amen.

Day 20Day 22

About this Plan

SWHW Bible Reading Plan: July 2021

Using God's Word as the foundation for our conversation, every devotional is written by women in the trenches of faith, family and work; aiming to live for the glory of God and the good of others. There are enough devotions included for a typical 5-day work schedule. We recommend plugging into your local church for the remaining two days of each week.


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