This Is the Day the Lord Has MadeSample
Have you ever had to sacrifice something? Whether it was a day at the spa because your kid was home sick from school. Or something you've been saving up for, but then you had to replace your washing machine. But can you imagine giving up your life for someone you love? Not just "giving up your life" as in changing the way you live, but genuinely sacrificing your life. Dying to save someone else.
In John 12, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a king: The people shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!” While they spread palm branches to celebrate as Jesus rode by.
Psalm 118:25 says, "Lord save us," which translates to "Hosanna" in Hebrew. Yet, while they praise Him, none of them know the horrible fate he's about to endure; the praise would be short-lived. As the Psalmist states, "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." We think we truly love something or someone, but when you really think about what Jesus did for us, it's hard to wrap our minds around. Jesus is all-powerful and all-knowing, yet He chose to be rejected and sacrifice himself for us because His love for us is that great!
John 12 says, “Do not be afraid… your king is coming”.
We don't have to fear what's coming or what will happen in our lives. As humans, we will sin, and there will be death. But if we focus on the great sacrifice that Jesus made, we can find comfort and don't need to be afraid. His love for us is truly greater than we could ever imagine.
Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." We celebrate Jesus and His salvific sacrifice for us.
Amber Hibma, Middle School Leader
About this Plan
Embark on a 21-day devotional journey, exploring the profound New Testament claims of who Jesus is. We'll dive into His Old Testament references, unveiling Him as the long-awaited Messiah. Daily reflections connect ancient prophecies to present significance, enriching your faith. Discover joy and purpose in each day orchestrated by the Lord. This journey prepares your heart for Easter — the day the Lord has made!
We would like to thank Cornwall Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: