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Ten Minutes With God for WomenSample

Ten Minutes With God for Women

DAY 6 OF 10

Who He Is and How He Loves

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

Psalm 103:8

Knowing the nature of God is important for your faith walk. Psalm 103 will help you remember who He is and how He loves. Then when life hits hard, you will know where God stands concerning you. Here in this one verse are four powerful truths for us to remember: God is compassionate, God is gracious, God is slow to anger, and God is abounding in love toward us.

It’s often easy to believe these things for others, but harder to hold them close to our own heart. We need to know that God is compassionate toward us because then we will exhale all the shame of our imperfections and shortcomings. Compassionate means He is concerned for the suffering and misfortunes we go through—even if we are going through something we caused. That is where slow to anger and abounding in love come in. We may blow it, but He never blows us off. His love goes beyond us, and He carries a commitment to love us throughout our lives. What a relief to know that this is the nature of God. People may not be these things toward us, but God is. In the end, it is the love of God that makes all the difference. It’s important to remember who He is and how He loves us.

Today I will remember:

  • God is compassionate—tender and caring.
  • God is gracious—forgiving my failures and faults.
  • God is abounding in love—committed to me until my very last breath.

Lord, please silence all other voices and make Your voice the soundtrack of my life and the music of my soul.


Day 5Day 7