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Titus: Displaying the Gospel of God's GraceSample

Titus: Displaying the Gospel of God's Grace

DAY 5 OF 6

Want to know something about me (Courtney) that might surprise you? I don’t like those signs that say “Believe.” You know the ones; they're everywhere at Christmas time. And if you have one and decorate with it, sorry! I don’t like them because they’re so nebulous— believe what? Santa, Christmas magic, Jesus, or just the beauty of the season?

Christians are often referred to as “believers.” But what we believe is not nebulous, it’s concrete. It’s real. And our passage for this session is chock full of truths we are to believe!

Let’s talk about two types of words that help us understand and interpret Scripture: indicatives and imperatives. Here’s how I like to explain them: Indicatives are things that are true; imperatives tell us what to do.

Scripture contains both, but it’s always important to notice the order in which they are used. Indicatives are almost always the basis for imperatives—God tells us something true about Himself or us (indicative) and then tells us how to respond (imperative).

This is the order of the gospel. God never tells us to do, become, or obey something so that we will be saved, loved, adopted, or secure. Instead, He tells us to do, become, or obey something because we are already saved, loved, adopted, and secure. The whole book of Ephesians is an example of this. In chapters 1–3, Paul told us what God has done for us and who we are in Him—indicatives. Then, in chapters 4–6, he told us how to live out those truths.

As we focus today on what we are to believe, remember that indicatives always fuel imperatives and not the other way around. Read Titus 2:11-15 and consider: what are four to five indicatives you are to believe and four or five imperatives you are to do as a result?

We’re going to focus on the indicatives today. Scripture clearly claims Jesus is God, that He alone is the Savior of the world, and that He is alive and coming again. Not to belabor the point, but the Christian faith is not a smorgasbord of possible beliefs we get to pick and choose from. We are called to believe everything God says. The following exercise is meant to make us all stop and think about what God is saying in our passage. Read the following statements, and as you read, be honest with yourself whether you believe each one, yes, or no.

  • Salvation is by grace alone. Yes / No
  • Salvation is available for every person. Yes / No
  • Jesus is God. Yes / No
  • Salvation is available only through Jesus. Yes / No
  • Jesus is coming back. Yes / No
  • After we are saved, we are to pursue godliness. Yes / No
  • After we are saved, we are to pursue good works. Yes / No

Hunter and I wish we were sitting across a table from you talking about what you chose for each statement. We’re hoping you said Yes to all of them; but if not, we’d also love to discuss any statement in which you said No. It’s okay to have doubts or questions. Even one of Jesus’s disciples, Thomas, had his fair share. Jesus didn’t condemn Thomas but met him in his doubts. Jesus knows that, for some, faith can be hard and doubt can be easy. And, just as God doesn’t pull away from us in our questions, fears, and doubts, He doesn’t want us to pull away from Him either. Instead, like Thomas, we should run to God and wrestle through our doubts and questions with Him through prayer, His Word, and His people.

If you’re currently struggling with doubts or questions, bring those to God in prayer. He is not offended by your honest searching. And pour over His Word, asking Him to reveal truth to you. Have an open heart to hear His response. Process your struggle with a godly friend who can provide insight and perspective to your search.

If you’re currently not dealing with doubts or questions, say a prayer of thanks to God for the faith He has given you. Then, if you have family or friends who are currently struggling with their faith, pray their faith would be restored.

I once heard someone pray this simple prayer and have incorporated it into praying for people in my sphere of relationships who are spiritually struggling: “Father, please make faith easy for _____________________.” It is a beautiful prayer and a beautiful thing to desire. The reality is that faith is not easy for everyone. Maybe that includes you. If believing all God has said comes with challenges, doubts, questions, and fears, don’t hesitate to take those to God in prayer. Ask Him to meet you in your doubt. Ask him for more insight, understanding, and faith. Ask Him for grace to believe.


Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

Titus: Displaying the Gospel of God's Grace

In this 6-day Bible study, Courtney Doctor and Hunter Beless team up to explore Paul's letter to his friend Titus. You'll see the essential connection between right belief and right character and the way both testify to the goodness of the gospel. And you’ll be reminded that our world will be attracted to the gospel when they see its beauty displayed in us.


We would like to thank LifeWay Women for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: