What is Love?Sample
Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs
Play: Take turns pretending to score points in a ballgame: throw a touchdown pass, kick a field goal, hit a home run, make a lay-up.
Talk: There are many situations where we keep score. In sports, we keep score to see who will be the winner. In school, we record grades to track students’ progress. Sometimes, it can be tempting to “keep score” in relationships, as well. We want to remember the times when a friend or sibling hurt us. But 1 Corinthians 13:5 tells us that godly love keeps no record of wrongs—no score. When we truly love someone, we don't keep score but instead forgive. How can you wipe out the score for someone in your life?
Pray: Pray that God will help you forgive others who hurt you, rather than keeping a record of wrongs.
—Crystal Brothers
Play: Take turns pretending to score points in a ballgame: throw a touchdown pass, kick a field goal, hit a home run, make a lay-up.
Talk: There are many situations where we keep score. In sports, we keep score to see who will be the winner. In school, we record grades to track students’ progress. Sometimes, it can be tempting to “keep score” in relationships, as well. We want to remember the times when a friend or sibling hurt us. But 1 Corinthians 13:5 tells us that godly love keeps no record of wrongs—no score. When we truly love someone, we don't keep score but instead forgive. How can you wipe out the score for someone in your life?
Pray: Pray that God will help you forgive others who hurt you, rather than keeping a record of wrongs.
—Crystal Brothers
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We would like to thank Focus on the Family for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.thrivingfamily.com/free/resources