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The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan

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Welcome to Holy Week—today it begins with Palm Sunday and we learn our second lesson in following Christ (the first was sacrificing our best): worship Him.

Read John 12:12-19.

The crowds were amazed at what Jesus had done for Lazarus. I find it interesting that instead of crowding Him and asking for their own healings, they simply worshiped. In awe of what he had done, all they could do was worship.

If you were in the crowds that day, what do you think your response would’ve been?

I imagine that many would’ve been there but with back turned, iPhone held high to snap the perfect selfie as Jesus passed by, ready to post about seeing @JesusChrist tagged with #hosanna. We might then refresh our app a few times to see who likes that we saw Jesus, and maybe if Jesus Himself likes that we tagged Him.

We’ve lost the simplicity of Jesus in our media chaos. Our culture reinforces that so much about life, yes, even our relationship with Jesus, is about us.

These crowds got it. This was all about Jesus.

Hosanna was a form of praise, but it also was a word used to talk about salvation, help or rescue—to ask for it or proclaim that it is here.

What has God rescued you from in the past?

What are you needing God to rescue you from today?

Let’s end today with singing a modern version of Hosanna. As you sing let the words be your prayer. As you sing the words Hosanna, imagine what it is you need God to save you from. As you sing Hosanna, let it be a prayer of thanks as you recall what He has saved you from already.

Yes, Lord, we ask that you would, “Heal my heart and make it clean. Open up my eyes to the things unseen. Show me how to love like you have loved me. Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause. As I walk from earth into eternity. Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna in the Highest.”


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Despre acest plan

The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan

Să încetinim puțin în această săptămână și să învățăm din ultimele zile ale lui Hristos pe acest pământ. În fiecare zi vom primi lecții și daruri pe care El le-a pregătit pentru noi. Ai nevoie de o reîmprospătare a memoriei cu privire la ce a contat pentru Hristos: să-i iubești pe ai Lui și să-L urmezi pe El? Ce vrea El oare să te învețe săptămâna asta?


Mulțumim lui Becky Kiser din cadrul Sacred Holidays pentru acest plan. Pentru mai multe informații, viziteaza:

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