Matthew 25:40
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Then sal he answer them, sayin, ‘Truly say I tʼye, in‐as‐muckle as ye did it to ane oʼ thae my brethren, eʼen they least anes, ye did it to me!’
Изучить Matthew 25:40
Matthew 25:21
“His maister says to him, ‘Weel dune, gude and leal servant! ye hae been leal and true ower a wee wheen things; I wull gie ye chairge ower a hantle oʼ things. Enter ye intil the joy oʼ yere lord!’
Изучить Matthew 25:21
Matthew 25:29
“ ‘For to ilk ane wha has, sal be gien, and he sal hae rowth; but frae him wha wants sal be taen awa eʼen what he has!
Изучить Matthew 25:29
Matthew 25:13
“Sae, tak ye tent! for ye ken‐na the day nor the ʼoor!
Изучить Matthew 25:13
Matthew 25:35
“ ‘For I was hungerʼt, and ye gied me meat; I was drouthie, and ye gied me drink; I was a fremd ane, and ye took me in
Изучить Matthew 25:35
Matthew 25:23
“His lord said, ‘Weel dune, gude and leal servant! Ye hae been leal and true ower a wee wheen things; I wull gie ye chairge ower a hantle oʼ things. Enter ye intil the joy oʼ yere lord!’
Изучить Matthew 25:23
Matthew 25:36
“ ‘Strippit was I, and ye cled me; I was ill, and ye socht me oot; I was in thrall, and ye cam till me!’
Изучить Matthew 25:36