Matthew 16
The barm oʼ the Pharisees. Peterʼs graun confession. What is tint, and what is won.
1And the Pharisees and the Sadducees cam, and in a twafauld way speirʼt at him, “Gin he wadna schaw them a token frae Heeven?”
2He answerʼt, and quoʼ he, “Whan it is eʼenin ye say, ‘Fair wather; for the sky is reid!’
3“And iʼ the mornin, ‘Broken wather the day, for the sky is reid and lowerin!’ Ye ken hoo to judge the scaum oʼ the sky; — can ye no the signs oʼ the times?
4“An ill‐deedie and adulterous race seek eftir some sign; and nae sign sal be giʼen tillʼt but the sign oʼ Jonah.” And he gaed aff frae them.
5And the disciples cam to the ither side, and forgat to tak breid.
6And Jesus said to them, “Tak tent, and troke ye‐na wiʼ the barm oʼ the Pharisees and Sadducees!”
7And they spak ane till anither, sayin, “We took nae breid!”
8And Jesus, kennin it, said, “O ye oʼ the smaʼ faith, why soud ye reason amang yersels for that ye hae nae breid?
9“Dae ye no ken, dae ye no mind, the fyve bannocks oʼ the fyve thoosanʼ: and hoo mony baskets ye gaitherʼt?
10“Naither the seeven bannocks oʼ the fowr thoosanʼ, and hoo mony creels ye gaitherʼt?
11“Hoo isʼt ye dinna ken I spak to‐ye‐na anent breid; but to tak tent and beware oʼ the teachins oʼ the Pharisees and the Sadducees!”
12Than saw they hoo he bad them no beware oʼ the barm oʼ the breid, but oʼ the doctrines oʼ the Pharisees and Sadducees.
13Whan Jesus had come intil the kintra‐side oʼ Philipʼs Cesarea, he speirʼt at his disciples, “Wha dae folk say the Son oʼ Man is?”
14And quoʼ they, “Some, John the Baptist; and some, Elijah; and ithers, Jeremiah, or ane oʼ the Prophets.”
15He says to them, “But wha say ye that I am?”
16And Simon Peter spak, and quoʼ he, “Thou art the Anointit Ane, the Son oʼ the Leevin God!”
17And Jesus answerin, says till him, “Happy are ye, Simon, son oʼ John! for nae flesh and blude tellʼt it tʼye, but my Faither iʼ the Heevens.
18“And I say tʼye, ye are a Rockman; and on this Rock wull I bigg my kirk; and the yetts oʼ Hell sal nevir owercome it!
19“And I wull gie tʼye the keys oʼ Heevenʼs Kingdom; and what ye sal bind on the yirth sal be bund in Heeven; and what ye sal lowse on the yirth sal be lowsed in Heeven.”
20Than chairged he the disciples no to tell ony man he was the Anointit Ane.
21Frae that time forrit Jesus begude to schaw till his disciples, hoo that he bude gang to Jerusalem, and dree mony things oʼ the Elders and Heid‐priests and Writers; and be slain; and on the third day be waukened again.
22Than Peter took him aside, repruvin him; and quoʼ he, “Hae mercy on thyselʼ! this sal nevir be thy faʼ!”
23But he turned him aboot, and quoʼ he to Peter, “Ahint me, Sautan! ye are but a snare to me! for ye seek‐na the things oʼ God, but the things oʼ men!”
24Than quoʼ Jesus to his disciples, “Gin ony man wad come eftir me, lat him deny his sel, and tak up his cross, and follow me.
25“For whasae wad save his life sal tine it; and whasae wull tine his life for my sake, sal win it.
26“For what is a man the better, thoʼ he win the hail warld, and tine his ain saul? or what sal a man gie as caʼtion for his saul?
27“For the Son oʼ Man comes in the glorie oʼ his Faither, wiʼ the Angels; and than sal he gie every man accordin as his wark sal be.
28“Truly say I tʼye, thar are thae staunin here, wha sal in naegate pree death, till they hae seen the Son oʼ Man #16:28 Hoo dour they war to understaun that his Kingdom was a spiritual ane! They gat a wee blink oʼ whatna kingly glory was his ain, at the Transfigurin. But it was wae that he bude chairge them no to tell he was the Anointit (ver. 20), as lang as they didna understaun what he was anointit for!comin in his Kingdom!”
Matthew 16: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.