Mattityahu 2

chapter two
1and when Yehoshua is born become in Bethlehem Yehudah, in the days of king Herod, look, star seers from the east are came to Jerusalem, 2and have said: where is he, who was born become, the king of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and have come, ourselves to worship to him. 3and as the king Herod has this heard, has he himself terrified and all Jerusalem with him. 4and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, has he them asked, where the Moshiach must be born become. 5and they have to him said: in Bethlehem Yehudah; because so it is written become through the prophet.
6and you (SG) Bethlehem, land Yehudah,
are never way not the least
among the rulers of Yehudah;
because from you (SG) will come out a ruler,
who will shepherd my people Israel!
(Micah 5, 2)
7first has Herod quietly called the star seers, and thoroughly researched with them the time, when the star has itself shown. 8and he has them sent to Bethlehem, and said: go and search after effort for the child; and when you (PL) will it find, report to me, so that I may also come and me worship to him. 9and they, having heard the king, have themselves set out on their way; and look, the star, which they have seen on the east, went before them, until it is come and itself stood over the place of, where the child was. 10and seeing the star, have they rejoice with a their greater joy. 11and are entered in house and have seen the child with Mary, his mother; and are knelt down and have themselves paid homage to him; and have opened their treasure chests and (to) him brought gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. 12and becoming warned in a dream, themselves not to return to Herod, are they went away by an other way to their own land into. 13and after their going away, look, an angel of the L-rd (G-d) showed himself to Joseph in a dream, in this way to say: stand up and take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there, until I will you (SG) tell; because Herod will seek this child, so that him destroy. 14and he is woken up and has taken the child and his mother by night, and is went away to Egypt. 15and is there was until Herod is died, so that it may fulfilled to be, which it is said become from the L-rd through the prophet, in this way to say:
out of Egypt have I called my son.
(Hoshea 11, 1)
16then has Herod seen, that he is become mocked from the star seers, is he become terrible angry, and has sent, and let to kill all youngsters, who are was in Bethlehem and in all its district, of two years and younger, according to the time, which he has exactly found out from the star seers. 17then is fulfilled become, which it is said become through Yirmeyah the prophet, in this way to say:
18a voice is heard become in Ramah,
a groaning and bitter lamenting,
Rachel weeping her children;
and will not comforted become,
because they are more not there.
(Yirmeyah 31, 15)
19when but Herod was already been dead, look, an angel of the L-rd (G-d) showed himself in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20and said: get up and take the child and his mother, and go to land of Israel; because are already died the (ones), who have sought the life of the child. 21and he is woken up and has taken the child and his mother, and is come to land of Israel. 22but on hearing, that Archelaus ruling over Yehudah on the place of his father Herod, has he himself afraid there to go; and after these as he was warned become in a dream, is he went away in the district of Galilee, 23and is come and has lived in a city, which they calls it Natsaret, so that it may fulfilled to be, which it is said become through the prophets, that he will called to be Netzer/Tsemach. (Yeshayah 11, 1)


Mattityahu 2: OYBCENGL





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