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Mhando yeBhaibheri

North Frisian New Testament (Clemens)

Frisian, Northern

Peter Michael Clemens

Peter Michael Clemens was born in 1804 in Muasem (Morsum) on the North Sea island of Sylt in North Friesland (Nordfriesland) in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. He died in 1870 in Schleswig, where he was a singer and school teacher.

New Testament

In 1856 he began the translation of the New Testament and Psalms in the dialect of North Frisian spoken on the island of Sölring (Sylt). This was digitised for the United Bible Societies (UBS).

United Bible Societies


Dzidza Zvimwe

Dzimwe Mhando kubva kuna United Bible Societies

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