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Da One In Charge Goin Sen Big Watta
1 # Job 1:6; 2:1 Afta dat, start fo get plenny peopo inside da world, an dey get daughtahs. 2Had guys jalike gods dat wen check out da daughtahs dat born to da peopo. Dey see dat da wahines was good looking, an dey pick da ones dey like fo marry.
3Den Da One In Charge tell, “I wen give da peopo my spirit inside dea bodies fo make um stay alive. Still yet, dey ony peopo. My life no goin stay inside dem foeva. So from now, dey ony goin live hundred twenny year.”
4 # Census 13:33 Had big strong kine peopo too inside da world dat time. Den, afta dat time, da guys dat jalike gods an da daughtahs dat born to da peopo come togedda an get kids. Dea kids was da awesome guys dat come from dem, an erybody know da stories bout dem.
Da Peopo Stay Do Bad Kine Stuff
5 # Matt 24:37; Luke 17:26; 1Pet 3:20 Da One In Charge wen see how da peopo stay do mo an mo plenny bad kine stuff, all ova da world. All da time dey ony tink how fo do bad kine stuff. 6Da One In Charge, he tink, “Bummahs! Mo betta I neva make dose peopo dea inside da world!” He stay sad inside cuz a dat. 7An den Da One In Charge figga, “I goin wipe out from da world all da peopo I wen make awready. I goin wipe out all da animals too, da small kine tings dat crawl, an da birds dat fly inside da sky, cuz bodda me dat I wen make all dis.”
8But had one guy Noah. Da One In Charge see dat Noah live da way Da One In Charge like um fo live.
Da Noah Story
9 # 2Pet 2:5 Dis da Noah story. Noah was one guy dat do da right ting erytime. From all da peopo dat live dat same time, nobody can poin finga Noah, cuz Noah stay tight with God, wateva Noah stay do, az why. 10Noah get three boys: Shem, Ham, an Jafet.
11Dat time, da way God see um, eryting dat stay alive come poho. Da peopo all ova da world, dey ony like bus up each odda. 12God see dat eryting in da world come poho. Da way dey live, all da peopo ack pilau.
Da Big Boat
13God tell Noah, “I look all da peopo in front me. All ova da world, dey ony figga how fo bus up each odda. But me, you know wat I goin do? I goin wipe um all out big time! 14So den, go get cypress wood fo make one big boat fo you an yoa ohana. Make rooms inside, an put tar from da groun all ova da inside an da outside. 15Dis how big you gotta make da boat: 150 yard long, an 25 yard wide, an 15 yard high. 16Make one roof on top da boat, an make um open all roun, eighteen inch down from da roof, fo da light go inside. On da side, make one door fo da boat. Inside, make da bottom deck, da middo deck, an da top deck.
Da Animals
17“Cuz you know wat I goin do? I goin make da big watta come, wit watta from da sky all ova da groun. Dass how I goin wipe out eryting dat stay alive an breave unda da sky. Eryting dat stay alive on top da groun goin mahke. 18But fo you, I goin make one spesho deal. You goin go inside da big boat, you an yoa boys, yoa wife, an yoa boys wifes wit you. Dass how you guys goin stay alive. 19So you goin get two animals, boy kine an girl kine, from ery kine animal dat get inside da world. You goin take dem all inside da big boat, fo make shua dey stay alive cuz dey stay wit you. 20Ery kine bird, ery kine animal dat live wit peopo, an ery kine ting dat crawl on top da groun, two a dem goin come by you, fo make shua dey goin stay alive. 21Dis wat you gotta do: Go pick up ery kine ting dat you an da animals eat, an put um inside da boat. Dass goin be da food fo you an fo dem.” 22#Heb 11:7So, Noah do eryting dat God tell um fo do.

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Start 6: HPB





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