Jhone 14
Jesus gies comfort tae hïs follaers
1“Dïnnae let yer hairts be sair annoyt. Pit yer trust ïn God, an lippen ïn me forbye. 2In ma Faither's hoose thair's monie dwallin-places. If that wusnae richt, A wudnae hae toul ye that A'm gaun tae mak a place readie fer ye, wud A noo? 3An whaniver A hae got a place readie fer ye, A'll cum an tak yis bak alang wi me, sae that whar A be, we'll aa be thegither. 4Yis ken whar A'm gaun, an yis ken tha róad tae whar A'm gaun.”
Jesus ïs tha róad tae tha Faither
5Tammas turnt an saed til hïm, “Loard, we hae nae notion o whar ye'r fer, sae hoo cud we ken tha róad?” 6Jesus reponed, “A be tha róad, an tha truith, an tha life. Naebodie cums tae tha Faither but throu me. 7If ye knowed me weel, ye wud ken ma Faither as weel. Frae noo on, yis dae ken hïm an yis hae saa hïm forbye!”
8Phïlip saed, “Loard, show iz tha Faither an that'll be eneuch fer iz.” 9Jesus answert, “Dae ye no ken me Phïlip, tha mair A hae bin amang yis aa thïs time? Oniebodie lukkin at me haes saen tha Faither. Sae hoo can ye say, ‘Show iz tha Faither’? 10Phïlip, dae ye no believe that A be ïn tha Faither an tha Faither's ïn me? Tha wurds A'm taakin til yis ir no jist ma ain. Na, ït's tha Faither, leevin ïn me, wha's daein hïs wark. 11Tak ma wurd fer ït whaniver A say that A be ïn tha Faither an tha Faither ïs ïn me; or at tha laist, trust me acause o tha warks yis hae saen me daein.
12Noo here's tha truith o ït, oniebodie that pits thair faith ïn me wull dae tha same warks that A dae. Ay, an he'll dae faur bïgger thïngs ner thon, fer A'm gaun tae be wi ma Faither. 13An A'll dae whutiver ye ax ïn ma name, sae as tha Sinn micht brïng glorie til tha Faither. 14Ye can ax me fer ocht ïn ma name, an A wull dae ït.
Jesus says hïs Faither wull senn tha Halie Spïrit
15If ye love me, ye wull dae whut A bïd ye. 16An A wull ax tha Faither, an he wull gie yis an Indwallin Guide, tae be wi yis fer aye - 17ït's tha Spïrit o truith A'm taakin aboot. Tha warl cannae tak hïm ïn, fer ït nether sees hïm ner kens hïm. Yous wull ken hïm but, fer he leeves wi ye noo an he'll dwall ïn ye latèr on.
18A'll no lea yis laik orphan weans; A wull cum tae ye. 19Afore lang, tha warl wull no see me nae mair, but yous'll see me. Acause A leeve, yous'll leeve forbye. 20Cum thon day, you'll be shair that A be ïn ma Faither, an you ir ïn me, an A am ïn you. 21Whaiver taks ma commauns tae hairt an keeps thaim, thon's tha yins that love me. Thaim that love me wull be loved bi ma Faither, an forbye A wull love thaim an show masel tae thaim.” 22Wi that Judas - no Judas Iscariot but - he speered, “But Loard, hoo cum ye'r ettlin tae show yersel jist tae iz an no tae tha hale warl?” 23Jesus gien tha answer, “If oniebodie loves me, he daes whut he haes lairnt frae me. Ma Faither wull love hïm, an we wull cum tae hïm an mak oor hame wi hïm. 24Hïm that daesnae love me wull no dae whut A hae toul hïm. These wurds ye hear ir no ma ain; the' belang tae tha Faither that sent me.
25A hae toul yis thae thïngs, while A'm still here amang yis. 26But tha Indwallin Guide, tha Halie Spïrit, that tha Faither wull senn tae tak ma place, he wull lairn yis aa thïngs an brïng bak tae mine iveriethin A hae toul ye. 27Peace A lea wi ye, ma peace A gie ye. A dïnnae gie ye ocht tha wye tha warl gies. Dïnnae let yer hairts be annoyt an dïnnae be afeart. 28Ye heerd me tellin ye, ‘A'm leain ye an A'm cumin bak til yis’. If ye loved me, ye wud be gled that A'm fer gaun tae tha Faither, fer tha Faither ïs mair bïgger ner me. 29A hae telt ye thïs noo afore ït cums aboot, sae as whaniver ït happens, ye wull believe. 30A'm fer taakin tae ye nae mair ner a wee bït lang'r, fer tha prince o thïs warl ïs cumin. He haes nae pooer ower me, 31but A'll dae whut aa ma Faither bïds me dae, sae as tha warl micht lairn that A love tha Faither. Weel, cum on noo, we'll be up an awa!”
தற்சமயம் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டது:
Jhone 14: USNT
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