John 8
chapter eight
1(and Yehoshua is went away to the Mount of Olives. 2and in the morning is he again come in house HaMikdash into, and the whole crowd is come to him; and he did himself sat down, and them taught. 3and the scribes and the Pharisees did bring a woman, who was caught in the act of adultery; and placing her in the midst, 4did they to him say; Rebbe, the this woman is caught become in adultery, during (the) act. 5and in the Torah has us Moses (Rebbeinu) commanded, such (women) to be stoned; what then you say? 6and the these have they said, testing him, so that they should have something, him to accuse. Yehoshua however did self bend down, and wrote with the finger on the ground. 7and as they have kept at it with their questioning him, did he self stand up, and to them said: the one of you (PL), who is without a sin, shall be the first to cast on her a stone. 8and again did he self bend down and wrote on the ground. 9as however they did this hear, did they go out one after other, beginning from the elders until to the last (one); and Yehoshua is remain one alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10and Yehoshua has self stood up, and to her said: woman, where are they, your accusers? did you anyone not condemn? 11did she say: anyone not, L-rd. did Yehoshua say: even I condemn you not; go, and from now on sin not more.)
12then did Yehoshua again to them speak, so to say; I am the light of the world; the one, who obeys/follows me after, will at any case not live in the darkness, but will have the light of life. 13the Pharisees did therefore to him say: you (SG) say witness about you (SG) yourself; your witness say is not truth. 14did Yehoshua answer and said to them: and when even I say witness about me alone, is yet my witness say truth; because I know from where I am come, and where I go; you (PL) however know not from where I come, or where I go. 15you (PL) judge according to flesh; I judge not anyone. 16and if I judge indeed, is my judging true; because I am not alone, rather I with the Father, who has me sent. 17and even in the Torah yours stands written, that the witness saying of two people is true. 18I am the one, who says witness about me myself, and the Father, who did me send, says also witness about me. 19they did therefore say to him: where is your father? did Yehoshua answer: not you (PL) know me, nor the Father mine; if you (PL) would me know, would you (PL) also know my Father. 20the these words did he speak in the house of the treasury, while he was teaching in house HaMikdash; and no one did him not seize, because his hour is yet not had come.
21and he did again to them say: I go away, and you (PL) will me seek, and you (PL) will die in your sin; where I go, can you (PL) not come. 22the Judaeans did therefore say: not will he self a deed put on? because he says: where I go, can you (PL) not come. 23and he did to them say: you (PL) are from below, I am from above; you (PL) are of the, this world, I am not of the world. 24therefore did I you (PL) say, that you (PL) will die in your (PL) sin; because if you (PL) will not believe, that I am He, will you (PL) die in your (PL) sin. 25they did therefore say to him: who are you then? did Yehoshua to them say: that, which I have you (PL) said from beginning on. 26I have a many to say about you (PL) and to judge; but the one, who did me send, is true; and what I have heard from Him, that speak I to the world. 27and they did not understand, that he had to them spoken of the Father. 28then did Yehoshua say: when you (PL) will lift up the Son of Man, then will you (PL) know, that I am it, and that of me alone do I nothing; only as the Father has me taught, so speak I this. 29and the one, who did me send, is with me; he did me not abandon alone; because what is pleasing to Him, that do I always. 30and while he did this speak, did a many believe in him.
31then did Yehoshua say to the Judaeans, who did believe in him: if you (PL) will remain in my word, are you (PL) in truth my disciples; 32and you (PL) will recognize the truth, and the truth will you (PL) release. 33did they him answer: we are Abraham's seeds, and have never not been enslaved to anyone; how then you say: you (PL) will become free? 34did Yehoshua them answer: in truth, in truth say I (to) you (PL): every one, who do sin, is a slave of the sin. 35and the slave remains not forever in the house, the Son however remains yes forever. 36therefore if the Son will you (PL) release, will you (PL) truly be free. 37I know, that you (PL) are Abraham's seeds; but you (PL) seek me to kill, because my word finds not any place in you (PL). 38I speak that, which I did see by my Father, and you (PL) do also that, which you (PL) did hear from your father. 39did they answer and said to him: Abraham is our father (merit of the fathers). says Yehoshua to them: if you (PL) are children of Abraham, do the works of Abraham. 40now however seek you (PL) me to kill, a man, who has you (PL) told the truth, which I did hear by Hashem. the this has Abraham not done. 41you (PL) do the works of your father. did they to him say: we are not born become through fornication; we have one Father—Hashem. 42did Yehoshua to them say: if Hashem would really be your Father, would you (PL) me loved have; because I did proceed forth and am come from Hashem; for from me alone am I not come, rather He has me sent. 43why understand you (PL) not my speaking? because you (PL) can not hear this word mine. 44you (PL) are of your father, the Satan, and the evil covetous desires of your father want you (PL) to do. he was a murderer from beginning on, and did not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him not there. when he speaks lies, speaks he from that, which is his own, because he is a liar, and the father of lies. 45but because I speak the truth, believe you (PL) me not. 46which of you (PL) accuses me for a sin? if I speak the truth, why believe you (PL) me not? 47who the one is of Hashem, this one hears the words of Hashem; on account of that hear you (PL) not, because you (PL) are not of Hashem. 48the Judaeans did answer, and said to him: do speak we then not correctly, that you (SG) are a Samaritan, and you have a evil spirit? 49did Yehoshua answer: I have not any evil spirit, but I give up honor to my Father, and you (PL) are me degrading. 50I however seek not my glory. it is there one, who seeks and judges. 51in truth, in truth say I you (PL): if someone will keep my word, will he never way not see the death on eternal. 52did the Judaeans to him say: now know we, that you (SG) you have a evil spirit. Abraham is died, and the prophets; and you (SG) say: if someone will keep my word, will he never way not taste do from the death on eternal. 53are you then greater than Abraham our father, who did die? also the prophets did die; for whom make (to be) yourself? 54Yehoshua did answer: if I glorify me alone, is my glory nothing. it is my Father, who glorifies me, about whom you (PL) say, that he is your G-d; 55and you (PL) have him yet not known, I however know him yes; and if I shall say, that I know him not, will I be a liar like to you (PL); but I know him, and keep up his word. 56Abraham, your father, has self rejoiced, that he shall see my day, and did see, and self joyful was. 57the Judaeans did therefore say to him: you (SG) are yet not fifty years old, and you have already seen Abraham? 58did Yehoshua to them say: in truth, in truth say I you (PL); before Abraham was, am I. 59they have therefore picked up stones, in order to him to throw; Yehoshua however has self hidden, and is went out out the House HaMikdash.
Àwon tá yàn lọ́wọ́lọ́wọ́ báyìí:

Ṣé o fẹ́ fi àwọn ohun pàtàkì pamọ́ sórí gbogbo àwọn ẹ̀rọ rẹ? Wọlé pẹ̀lú àkántì tuntun tàbí wọlé pẹ̀lú àkántì tí tẹ́lẹ̀
English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
© AFII Artists For Israel International, 2024
John 8
chapter eight
1(and Yehoshua is went away to the Mount of Olives. 2and in the morning is he again come in house HaMikdash into, and the whole crowd is come to him; and he did himself sat down, and them taught. 3and the scribes and the Pharisees did bring a woman, who was caught in the act of adultery; and placing her in the midst, 4did they to him say; Rebbe, the this woman is caught become in adultery, during (the) act. 5and in the Torah has us Moses (Rebbeinu) commanded, such (women) to be stoned; what then you say? 6and the these have they said, testing him, so that they should have something, him to accuse. Yehoshua however did self bend down, and wrote with the finger on the ground. 7and as they have kept at it with their questioning him, did he self stand up, and to them said: the one of you (PL), who is without a sin, shall be the first to cast on her a stone. 8and again did he self bend down and wrote on the ground. 9as however they did this hear, did they go out one after other, beginning from the elders until to the last (one); and Yehoshua is remain one alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10and Yehoshua has self stood up, and to her said: woman, where are they, your accusers? did you anyone not condemn? 11did she say: anyone not, L-rd. did Yehoshua say: even I condemn you not; go, and from now on sin not more.)
12then did Yehoshua again to them speak, so to say; I am the light of the world; the one, who obeys/follows me after, will at any case not live in the darkness, but will have the light of life. 13the Pharisees did therefore to him say: you (SG) say witness about you (SG) yourself; your witness say is not truth. 14did Yehoshua answer and said to them: and when even I say witness about me alone, is yet my witness say truth; because I know from where I am come, and where I go; you (PL) however know not from where I come, or where I go. 15you (PL) judge according to flesh; I judge not anyone. 16and if I judge indeed, is my judging true; because I am not alone, rather I with the Father, who has me sent. 17and even in the Torah yours stands written, that the witness saying of two people is true. 18I am the one, who says witness about me myself, and the Father, who did me send, says also witness about me. 19they did therefore say to him: where is your father? did Yehoshua answer: not you (PL) know me, nor the Father mine; if you (PL) would me know, would you (PL) also know my Father. 20the these words did he speak in the house of the treasury, while he was teaching in house HaMikdash; and no one did him not seize, because his hour is yet not had come.
21and he did again to them say: I go away, and you (PL) will me seek, and you (PL) will die in your sin; where I go, can you (PL) not come. 22the Judaeans did therefore say: not will he self a deed put on? because he says: where I go, can you (PL) not come. 23and he did to them say: you (PL) are from below, I am from above; you (PL) are of the, this world, I am not of the world. 24therefore did I you (PL) say, that you (PL) will die in your (PL) sin; because if you (PL) will not believe, that I am He, will you (PL) die in your (PL) sin. 25they did therefore say to him: who are you then? did Yehoshua to them say: that, which I have you (PL) said from beginning on. 26I have a many to say about you (PL) and to judge; but the one, who did me send, is true; and what I have heard from Him, that speak I to the world. 27and they did not understand, that he had to them spoken of the Father. 28then did Yehoshua say: when you (PL) will lift up the Son of Man, then will you (PL) know, that I am it, and that of me alone do I nothing; only as the Father has me taught, so speak I this. 29and the one, who did me send, is with me; he did me not abandon alone; because what is pleasing to Him, that do I always. 30and while he did this speak, did a many believe in him.
31then did Yehoshua say to the Judaeans, who did believe in him: if you (PL) will remain in my word, are you (PL) in truth my disciples; 32and you (PL) will recognize the truth, and the truth will you (PL) release. 33did they him answer: we are Abraham's seeds, and have never not been enslaved to anyone; how then you say: you (PL) will become free? 34did Yehoshua them answer: in truth, in truth say I (to) you (PL): every one, who do sin, is a slave of the sin. 35and the slave remains not forever in the house, the Son however remains yes forever. 36therefore if the Son will you (PL) release, will you (PL) truly be free. 37I know, that you (PL) are Abraham's seeds; but you (PL) seek me to kill, because my word finds not any place in you (PL). 38I speak that, which I did see by my Father, and you (PL) do also that, which you (PL) did hear from your father. 39did they answer and said to him: Abraham is our father (merit of the fathers). says Yehoshua to them: if you (PL) are children of Abraham, do the works of Abraham. 40now however seek you (PL) me to kill, a man, who has you (PL) told the truth, which I did hear by Hashem. the this has Abraham not done. 41you (PL) do the works of your father. did they to him say: we are not born become through fornication; we have one Father—Hashem. 42did Yehoshua to them say: if Hashem would really be your Father, would you (PL) me loved have; because I did proceed forth and am come from Hashem; for from me alone am I not come, rather He has me sent. 43why understand you (PL) not my speaking? because you (PL) can not hear this word mine. 44you (PL) are of your father, the Satan, and the evil covetous desires of your father want you (PL) to do. he was a murderer from beginning on, and did not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him not there. when he speaks lies, speaks he from that, which is his own, because he is a liar, and the father of lies. 45but because I speak the truth, believe you (PL) me not. 46which of you (PL) accuses me for a sin? if I speak the truth, why believe you (PL) me not? 47who the one is of Hashem, this one hears the words of Hashem; on account of that hear you (PL) not, because you (PL) are not of Hashem. 48the Judaeans did answer, and said to him: do speak we then not correctly, that you (SG) are a Samaritan, and you have a evil spirit? 49did Yehoshua answer: I have not any evil spirit, but I give up honor to my Father, and you (PL) are me degrading. 50I however seek not my glory. it is there one, who seeks and judges. 51in truth, in truth say I you (PL): if someone will keep my word, will he never way not see the death on eternal. 52did the Judaeans to him say: now know we, that you (SG) you have a evil spirit. Abraham is died, and the prophets; and you (SG) say: if someone will keep my word, will he never way not taste do from the death on eternal. 53are you then greater than Abraham our father, who did die? also the prophets did die; for whom make (to be) yourself? 54Yehoshua did answer: if I glorify me alone, is my glory nothing. it is my Father, who glorifies me, about whom you (PL) say, that he is your G-d; 55and you (PL) have him yet not known, I however know him yes; and if I shall say, that I know him not, will I be a liar like to you (PL); but I know him, and keep up his word. 56Abraham, your father, has self rejoiced, that he shall see my day, and did see, and self joyful was. 57the Judaeans did therefore say to him: you (SG) are yet not fifty years old, and you have already seen Abraham? 58did Yehoshua to them say: in truth, in truth say I you (PL); before Abraham was, am I. 59they have therefore picked up stones, in order to him to throw; Yehoshua however has self hidden, and is went out out the House HaMikdash.
Àwon tá yàn lọ́wọ́lọ́wọ́ báyìí:

Ṣé o fẹ́ fi àwọn ohun pàtàkì pamọ́ sórí gbogbo àwọn ẹ̀rọ rẹ? Wọlé pẹ̀lú àkántì tuntun tàbí wọlé pẹ̀lú àkántì tí tẹ́lẹ̀
English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
© AFII Artists For Israel International, 2024