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与传道书 4:10相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
喜乐并满满活出神旨意的生命必须以关系、爱和信仰为根基。如果你正在寻求更明了神对你生命的计划,将他的计划用于聚焦你人生的追求和发现。请查阅《从这世界中出来:基督徒成长及实现神心意指南》”— David J. Swandt著
Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism
9 Days
The spiritual disciplines serve a specific role in the Christian experience—they lead believers to become more like Jesus in our thoughts, words, and actions. How does this translate into our call to show & share the love of Jesus with others? Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism includes eight of the spiritual disciplines designed to help you grow in your own faith in such a way that it will overflow to others!