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与加拉太书 3:12相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
奇迹会在我们信靠上帝和凭信心而行的时候发生。这个灵修计划将能帮助读者对主有更坚定的信心。 让我们每个人在生活上都信靠上帝,这样我们的信心就会日渐增强,进而能踏步向前领受上帝为我们的生命所预备的福分。
12 Days
Is seeing believing? Or is believing seeing? Those are questions of faith. This plan offers in-depth study of faith—from Old Testament stories of real people who demonstrated courageous faith in impossible situations to Jesus’ teachings on the subject. Through your readings, you’ll be encouraged to deepen your relationship with God and to become a more faithful follower of Jesus.