Discover God's Heart Devotional预览

Discover God's Heart Devotional


The Always God

God’s Story

Psalm 90: Moses prays that the everlasting God would teach us dust-made people to number our days so that we can gain hearts of wisdom.

Psalm 91: Angel-guarded and God-loved, the person who “dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

Psalm 92: God causes the righteous to flourish like sturdy trees planted in His house. In their old age they will be green and fruitful, because He is their Rock.

Psalm 93: “The Lord on high is mighty.” The seas praise Him with their pounding waves, and holiness adorns His house for endless days.

Psalm 94: Arrogant men are crushing God’s people, so the psalmist calls on the “God who avenges.”

Psalm 95: For 40 years, God was angry with His people who didn’t trust Him. The Lord implores those who hear His voice not to harden their hearts.

Psalm 96: The gods of the other nations are mere idols — they have done and do nothing. But God created everything. The psalmist urges, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name.”

Psalm 97: Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne, and His fire consumes His enemies. Those who love Him are to hate evil because He does.

The King’s Heart

“Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God” (Psalm 90:2).

Before time began, God was. There has never been a minute in which He didn’t exist, and there never will be. He exists outside of time — God is the Always.

The Everlasting One knows all of our days — He knows all of every day. He sees every event from every angle and knows every outcome.

And the Everlasting One has chosen to do something incredible. He has chosen to make us eternal with Him. He has chosen to take our mortal lives — where “our days may come to seventy years, or eighty” (Psalm 90:10) and extend them into forever. He makes us eternal. And He does it all so that we can be with Him. Forever.

Our destiny is to be with the infinitely good One forever. God has made it that way because He wants it that way. He wants us. What a beautiful future. What a beautiful God.


After the Babylonian exile, Psalm 92 came to be part of the worship at the rebuilt temple. Every Sabbath, during the morning sacrifice, God’s people sang about how He plants His people strong and sturdy in His house. “You make me glad by your deeds, Lord,” God’s people would sing.

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Discover God's Heart Devotional

These reading passages are designed to help you discover just what it means to be loved by an awesome God. Taken from the NIV Discover God's Heart Bible, they are designed to help you explore the verses that give us insight into God’s heart. These 21 daily readings will also illuminate ways in which you can grow closer to God as you learn more about the Scriptures.
